Melissa Hale-Spencer

GUILDERLAND — They crossed lines through decades and centuries; they crossed ethnic lines and gender lines. But they were all Americans.

Illustration by Forest Byrd — The Enterprise

Frankly, there are times when we are embarrassed to be a New Yorker. Now is one of them.

Senior pranksters clear books from library
While juniors paint new slogan on water tower

FMS trio
Presents film at Smithsonian

2006 GCSD report card
Highlighting strong high-school finishes, after challenges along the way

By Michelle O’Riley

WESTERLO — This month, the town board approved the revision of current policy for overtime pay for town employees.

Miller mourned"Lived every single moment to the fullest"

Michael McKinley recently had surgery to remove shrapnel from his spine. He got it during combat in Vietnam.
"They just got the last piece of metal out of me," he said on Tuesday night. He still needs surgery to fix his lower back.

Through the eyes of a Guilderland student
Understanding where Ghandi came from and what shaped him before he shaped the world

Another prize-winning documentary
Gerety, Rho, and Wells return to nationals


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