Melissa Hale-Spencer

At Guilderland
More for home-schooled"board to apply for EXCEL, hold klatches

VOORHEESVILLE — Elaine Nichols is selling her family’s supermarket but, she says, the name will remain. The market that has become a community center for the village of Voorheesville will be called Nichols’ Shop ’n’ Save.

Why do we feel such a sense of loss when old farmers die"

GUILDERLAND — Fred Tresselt is often called the energy czar of the Guilderland School District but he prefers to think of himself as the energy whisperer.

Illustration by Forrest Byrd

Something is rotten in the town of Guilderland.

GUILDERLAND — Raptors have gotten a bad rap.

Consultant tells school district
Health-care costs well-managed, gives Rx

"He that will have his son have a respect for him and his orders, must himself have a great reverence for his son."

— John Locke, Some Thoughts Concerning Education, 1693

Respect is based on acceptance, not on assumption.

GUILDERLAND — Gregory Aidala announced Tuesday night that he will retire next November after seven years as the superintendent of the Guilderland schools.

Who are we" How do we define ourselves as a people"

One way we define our society is through our shared rituals, our festivals. Another is through our common identity — the name we give ourselves.


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