Elizabeth Floyd Mair 

When Legionella bacteria is present, the people who are particularly at risk for becoming sick from it are the elderly and those with compromised immune systems or a history of respiratory problems. 

The proposed highway department budget for next year proposes $2,000 less in overtime than this year, because of retirements, Wier said. 

GUILDERLAND — Three-and-a-half years after a day laborer died tangled in a woodchipper, a judge from the United States Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission has ruled that his employer, Tony Watson of Countryside Tree Service, will

Hiawatha Trails Golf Course

The town has acquired a parcel behind the library that would allow it to continue the multi-use path to be built by the developer of the Hiawatha Trails project, extending the path as far as the library.

The new street would bring more houses to the area, but it would not make the area into a “through street” leading anywhere else. 

Lynne Buchanan

Buchanan would like to see dog licensing go online, to provide residents with another option. 

After two miscarriages, Keegan Prue and Olivia Cohen-Prue of Altamont are preparing for their third round of in vitro fertilization. 

Michael Marcantonio’s wife works for the library and, as a trustee, Marcantonio was involved in contract negotiations with the union for library staff. Although another trustee said this was an ethical violation, the library board’s lawyer and president along with Marcantonio all say it wasn’t a legal conflict of interest.

Being a pediatrician involved in caring for children who have been abused involves many “inspiring moments,” says Rebecca Butterfield, M.D., who has been selected to join Guilderland’s school board. 

The cases against Richard Sherwood and Thomas Lagan — following their arrests in February 2018 — are closing, with the first sentencing, of Lagan, in county court this week. He still needs to be sentenced in federal court, in December. Sherwood will be sentenced in county and federal court in December. 


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