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“For people who recently got the [Johnson & Johnson] vaccine within the last couple of weeks, they should be aware to look for any symptoms. If you’ve received the vaccine and develop severe headache, abdominal pain, leg pain, or shortness of breath, you should contact your health-care provider and seek medical treatment,” said Ann Schuchat, the CDC’s principal deputy director, at a press briefing on Tuesday morning.

The proposed tax rate for Voorheesville property owners will increase about a half-penny next year, from $1.2866 per $1,000 of assessed value this year to $1.29151 per $1,000.

Graduation ceremonies for schools, colleges, and universities, effective May 1, will be allowed, both indoors and out, as long as restrictions on capacity and admittance are followed, the governor announced on Monday.

The hope is that, with three-foot distancing, school buildings can accommodate more students. The Biden administration has been pushing to open elementary and middle schools by the end of the month.

“Albany County now has the highest first dose vaccination rate for any county in the Capital Region, and our full vaccination rate went up a full percentage point since yesterday, reaching just under 30 percent of the county’s population,” said Albany County Executive Daniel McCoy.

“The principal mode by which people are infected with SARS-CoV-2 is through exposure to respiratory droplets carrying infectious virus. In most situations, cleaning surfaces using soap or detergent, and not disinfecting, is enough to reduce risk,” the CDC says.

The video of an April 7 assault shows Curtis Ericson, 25, attacking a woman, scuffling with a second person, and then Ericson taking a hammer to the back windshield of the victim’s car.

Knox Planning Board Member Debra Nelson suddenly left a March meeting that she was attending remotely before she could cast her vote on whether to override the county planning board’s recommendation against a proposed solar facility.

On Saturday, the first high school vaccine clinic will be held, in Bethlehem, with Crestwood Pharmacy, said Albany County Executive Daniel McCoy.

GUILDERLAND — Farnsworth Middle School in Guilderland is among 16 schools statewide that have been redesignated as a 2021 Essential Elements: Schools to Watch.

Tuesday marked the first day that any New Yorker 16 or older would be eligible for vaccination. 

Only six counties in New York have immunized a higher rate of their senior citizens than Albany County, whose strong numbers appear to be due in part to several county-led initiatives.

Beyond Plastics National Organizing Director Alexis Goldsmith told The Enterprise that she and other activists were “disappointed” that Congressman Paul Tonko’s bill makes allowances for waste incineration, which she described as counterproductive to the fight against climate change.

On Tuesday, Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer announced from a grill in Amsterdam that restaurants across the state are eligible for their own federal pandemic relief through the American Rescue Plan.

The state’s comptroller, Thomas DiNapoli, released an analysis showing “job losses from the pandemic and the ensuing economic shutdown were swift and deep: employment in New York declined by nearly 2 million jobs from February to April 2020.”

He reported on new data released by the state’s Department of Labor that shows less than half of the jobs lost during that time have been recovered, and employment is still more than 1 million jobs below its pre-pandemic levels.
