Archive » March 2020 » News

Tuesday night, Minority Leader Frank Mauriello with Chairman Andrew Joyce, Majority Leader Dennis Feeney, and Deputy Minority Leader Paul Burgdorf were the only Albany County legislators in chambers for a special meeting. Other legislators participated from home on their computers to prevent the further spread of the coronavirus.

Teachers and administrators had very little time to prepare for the weeks-long closings of their schools but have been pleasantly surprised with how teaching online has gone so far. 

In the midst of the pandemic, Governor Andrew Cuomo softened election requirements; candidates now need to collect only 30 percent of the statutory threshold. Michelle Hinchey, a Democratic candidate for the state Senate’s 46th District, is challenging the petition her Democratic opponent for the nomination, Gary Greenberg, had submitted. Greenberg suggested that the challenge is emblematic of insider-versus-outsider politics.

Mary Jo LaPosta

“There are still people that feel we are overreacting,” said Steven Hanks, chief clinical officer of St. Peter’s Health Partners. “We are in support of the governor’s increase of at least 50 percent.”

 Elizabeth Whalen

ALBANY COUNTY — In the midst of his press conference on Tuesday morning, Albany County Executive Daniel McCoy got a text saying that two more COVID-19 patients had been hospitalized: both are men, aged 44 and 68.

“Take this serious, folks. Please,” he said.

“The work of cemeteries is considered an essential business,” said funeral director John Gulino. “The graves will be dug; people will be buried. It’s not going to get like Italy.”

After her husband’s suicide last year, Berne resident Jennifer Williams’s life has transformed as she signals optimism and strength for her two young children while pregnant with a third. She hopes her story will inspire others to remain strong in the face of devastating adversity. 

Area schools are closed leaving kids without structure and without an opportunity to socialize in traditional ways — potentially for months. Psychiatrist Jessica Griffin, who is an associate professor of psychiatry and pediatrics at the University of Massachusetts Medical School, speaks about potential impacts of social distancing on children and how those impacts can be mitigated.

Someone at the City Mission has contracted the coronavirus disease. The county’s health department is working with support from the county’s Department of Social Services to see that people who are homeless or in shelters can be quarantined and not put others at risk. And the sheriff is ready to open a homeless shelter in a wing of the county’s jail.

On Saturday, New York’s attorney general, Letitia James, called on the State of New York to take steps to ensure eligible New York voters can take part in the scheduled April 28 Democratic presidential primary, as well as a handful of additional special elections around the state on that date, without risking the spread of the coronavi

“It’s kind of a multi-faceted, multi-level project,” said New Scotland Supervisor Douglas LaGrange of putting together a county-wide EMS program.

On Friday, New York’s attorney general, Letitia James, sent a letter to counsel for, calling on the company to immediately remove posts that attempt to “unlawfully and fraudulently” profit off consumers’ fears around the coronavirus dise

The state’s Department of Environmental Conservation and the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority announced this week that more than $24 million is now available to replace diesel-powered transit buses with new all-electric transit buses.

Gun sales have skyrocketed, Albany Sheriff Craig Apple says, urging, “Don’t go out and shoot a gun for the first time in the midst of this crisis.”
