Archive » August 2017 » News

A new organization, Friends in the Adirondacks, offers hospitality to visiting families of people who are incarcerated in the North Country. The organization’s other mission, said co-founder Martha Swan, is to open hearts and minds of local residents.

Habitats of North American birds, especially wintering grounds in Central America, face their greatest threat from human activities, according to a recent study published in the journal Global Change Biology.

Smith's Tavern

Voorheesville adopted a moratorium on development at the end of June so that its first-ever comprehensive land-use plan can be completed. 

Tara Molloy-Grocki is the new president of the Guilderland Teachers’ Association. She replaces Erin McNamara, who started in the post in 2014.

In reviewing the proposed capital project to upgrade the Berne-Knox-Westerlo Elementary School, the board of education considered tacking on an extra cost to upgrade technology in the secondary school.

The draft of a shared-services plan for Albany County includes a recommendation to consolidate the town of Berne’s highway department with the county’s Department of Public Works.
