The Guilderland Teachers’ Association third annual back-to-school barbecue was held at Tawasentha Park on Sept. 8. Donations collected at the event were to be distributed to Capital District first responders.
Acting Chief Building and Zoning Inspector Jacqueline Coons said that as soon as the town receives the right paperwork, demolition will continue. “It should be done soon,” she said.
Last Sunday morning, Sept 11, Westmere Fire Department as well as McKownville and Altamont Fire Departments set off their sirens at 8:46 a.m. to signify when the first plane struck the World Trade Center in New York City. Knox also held a ceremony.
Tuesday’s town board meeting began with some sharp exchanges over how minutes were recorded, leaving town Clerk Tara Murphy “feeling like a scolded employee.”
RENSSELAERVILLE — Endorsement by three parties, no opponent, and a temporary appointment to the board makes John Dolce the proverbial shoo-in for a town board seat come Nov. 8.
A suit by the citizens group Scenic Rensselaerville in Albany County Supreme Court challenging the town’s planning board approval is a remaining impediment.
Veteran science teacher Alan Fiero, who started the popular butterfly station at Farnsworth Middle School and ran it for many years, is worried about the way it has been managed since his resignation.
The Guilderland Public Library has sent out its last printed newsletters. It is now keeping in touch with patrons through email alerts, Facebook, and a big electronic sign out front.
Over the summer, the Guilderland school district found lead — below the allowable threshold — in the kitchens of five of its schools, and repiped all of the kitchens right away, although no remediation was legally required.
NEW SCOTLAND — A playground for older children will be built next to the visitors’ center that is currently under construction at John Boyd Thacher State Park.
Wednesday night, the village board deferred taking action on a moratorium that would have suspended the construction of gas stations in Voorheesville for six months.