Archive » May 2014 » Correspondents

Monday, May 19, was my “Zoey day.” My daughter, Marcia Pangburn, was on vacation and came over for breakfast. After that, she took Zoey for a walk in her stroller. It was a cool day, but Zoey had socks on and a blanket. Zoey is good with her hands and can put the protective cover back on her bottle herself.

We got a call from Jim’s niece the other day that really excited us. Laurie and her husband Steve wanted to check a date to see if we would be around for a visit from them. Of course, we said, “Yes.” If we had other plans, we would have changed them in order to see Laurie and Steve.

Monday, May 12, was my Zoey Day. Zoey is really getting around my house faster in her walker, now. She likes making noises and I refer to them as raspberries. I think she likes hearing her own sounds and can’t wait to talk.

Lions and tigers and bears, oh my! All I have to do is close my eyes and I can see the monkeys flying through the air. A quick blink, and they are gone, replaced with a beautiful good witch.

Monday, May 5, was my Zoey day. She is still cutting two top front teeth. We learned a new gesture, today. I pointed at Reba and said; “dog,” then Zoey pointed the exact same way. Babies do learn fast. 

Danielle packed some little blueberry muffins and Zoey loved eating them after lunch. 

We received an e-mail from Jim’s niece that she and her husband had purchased a motor home and were making plans to travel across the country. 

Monday, April 28, came and it was cold and dreary. I wrote my news and took it to Altamont. The day passed quickly just getting loose ends tied up. I had to think about getting the furnace cleaned and setting up an appointment.

When I graduated from High School in Fairhaven, Mass. my whole world changed. The usual routine of eating, studying, meeting my friends for a Chow Mein sandwich over in New Bedford were  about to be a thing of the past.

Monday, April 21, turned into a beautiful, exciting day. Instead of me taking care of Zoey, Danielle took the day off and we spent it together.

We went grocery shopping, where I got to push Zoey in the cart and watched her trying to reach items on the shelf. 

As we turned off of the main road we drove up a short driveway to the security station. A gentleman in a crisp white shirt, black tie and pin-striped trousers came out and with his clipboard in hand and gave us a very warm greeting.