Archive » August 2013 » Letters to the Editor

To the Editor:

Think government corruption exists only in Albany or New York City? Think again. The incumbents on the Guilderland Town Board are involved in a pay-to-play scheme that would make our founding fathers cringe!

To the Editor:

Congress should strengthen, not weaken, SNAP (the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program known as food stamps).

Tens of millions of Americans are hungry, forced to turn to emergency food programs, and food stamps (SNAP) to feed their families.

To the Editor:

The present town court elected officials spend only four days a month in town court, and they alternate between weeks. They are on call during the month but there is no indication as to how many hours each elected official spends on that aspect of the position.

To the Editor:

Thank you to the Guilderland Police Department for ticketing dangerous drivers who violate the traffic laws, such as Devin Brent

To the Editor:

Did you know that over 38,000 people die by suicide each year in the United States? That's one person every 13 minutes. These are more than just numbers; they represent our family, friends, neighbors and colleagues.

To the Editor:

The Knox Volunteer Fire Department Women's Auxiliary would like to thank everyone who participated in our town-wide garage sale.

With all the generous donations, we were able to raise $350 for the Knox Cemetery.

To the Editor:

I was surprised to read the letter from Guilderland Republican Chairman Matt Nelligan about running a truthful election campaign.

To the Editor:

Knox residents, ask yourselves, what do you love about Knox? Chances are you will say the quietness, the open space, and overall atmosphere.

To the Editor:

If the old adage holds true that good neighbors keep their noises to themselves, a lot of residents in Voorheesville in general, and in the village of Voorheesville in particular, need to re-evaluate the kind of neighbor they think they are.

To the Editor:

September is fast approaching and that means the Knox Nursery School will be back in full swing for its 40th consecutive year.  Classes for our 3- and 4-year-olds begin Monday, Sept. 9.  Our “Terrific Twos” program will have its first day on Tuesday, Sept. 10.

To the Editor:

Here is a link to the archives Altamont Tree on

To the Editor:

This letter is the result of reading Melissa Hale-Spencer’s fascinating, and, as always, well-written article about Tom Capuano’s epic poem: “The Tale of Tekarionyoken” and then reading the book itself.
