Generosity ensured Summerfest’s success
To the Editor:
Thank you to all the members of our community who helped make Berne’s Summerfest a rousing success: the members of the Helderberg Ambulance Squad; crew members of the Berne and East Berne fire companies; and the fire police who remained on site, from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m., in ready alert should they be needed.
Thanks also go out to the day’s individual performers: Ralph Miller, depicting the Dietz Massacre, Nancy Payne relating “Tales of the Helderbergs,” Susanna Raevan playing the didgeridoo, Leslie Wray and her puppeteers, and singer Dan Yolen. Their varied talents captivated both young and old alike with sure-to-be -remembered performances.
A huge thank-you is extended to the very talented bands that provided music for the day: The original Hilltown Ramblers; the Bluestones; Flood Hill Road; Shine Hill Road; and, of course, the new Hilltown Ramblers.
Their music had the audience singing, children dancing, and toes tapping. And for all those who found the courage to join in during the open jam session, thank you! It was great fun, and great music!
Most especially, thanks are extended to Jeff Alexander, Dick Stock, Kevin Toomey, and members of the Summerfest Steering Committee who toiled for days on end, to plan, organize, and implement the many facets of the event. They could not be deterred by hot sun, lack of sleep, or wearied bodies and minds.
Together, these individuals and groups, along with the many unnamed vendors, bakers, and volunteers, created a day to remember. It was their generosity of time, energy, and spirit that insured Summerfest’s success.
Their efforts illustrate that we are truly a community that works and plays together, striving to make Berne a great place to live and raise our families; for that, we are all grateful.
Karen Schimmer, chairwoman
Berne Summerfest Committee