
The map will be subject to a public hearing on May 26.

Michelle Hinchey and Richard Amedure were opponents in 2020, when both sought office for the first time after former Senator George Amedore, a Republican, decided not to seek re-election.

Albany County’s redistricting process is being overseen by an independent commission meant to ensure that districts are changed according to values that line up with fair representation for residents as opposed to political advantage for legislators. 

The New York State Legislature voted earlier this month to approve, along party lines, the Democrats’ version of the Independent Redistricting Committee’s plan.

“We’re certainly not going to miss a beat here, by doing what we did,” Supervisor Douglas LaGrange said of naming new planning and zoning board chairs. “And that was another important thing: To keep the consistency through projects and through different things that were before each of the boards.”

At Knox’s inaugural 2022 meeting, more information came spontaneously to light about why the town fired three transfer station workers in 2019 — two of whom sued the town and later settled.

On Election Night, three of the four incumbent New Scotland Democrats facing Republican challengers were still facing uncertain futures as a number of absentee ballots had yet to be counted. But the Democrats breathed a collective sigh of relief on Nov. 17 after the release of the absentee-ballot counts. However, the recanvass results recently released by the Albany County Board of Elections should give Democrats pause as they show that Republicans — there are six for every 10 Democrats in town — are becoming more competitive.

The four Democrats who all held leads on their four Republican or GOP-backed challengers on Nov. 2 continued to do so after Nov. 17, when the absentee ballot counts were released by the Albany County Board of Elections. 

In the hotly contested six-way race for two town board seats, Christine Napierski was still the top vote-getter by a substantial margin, according to results posted on Nov. 17 by the Albany County Board of Elections.

Sue VonHaugg, Knox


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