
The councilman who formed Unify Knox says he will sit out the November election.

Ken Saddlemire is not taking the reversal lying down. He intends to stay in the race as a write-in candidate.

In separate accidents, two teens escape serious injury at an intersection with a hidden hazard.

The town board seat soon to be left vacant by Eric Kuck will be contested in the general election by Dan Hanley and Ken Saddlemire.

Tara Murphy, Knox Town Clerk

Tuesday’s town board meeting began with some sharp exchanges over how minutes were recorded, leaving town Clerk Tara Murphy “feeling like a scolded employee.”

Eric Kuck, who is enrolled as a Democrat, was appointed by the board last December. His name will remain on the ballot on the Unify Knox party line. 

Back in June 1986, this newspaper reported that the annual Pucker Street Fair had been a bit wet “but the show went on.”

KNOX — Knox Youth Soccer will begin on Sept. 11 and alternate Sundays from 3 to 4 p.m. and Tuesdays from 6 to 7 p.m. through Oct. 4 (with a rain date of Oct. 9).

The town's commitment to renewable energy may payoff in a big way


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