
Melanie Bunzey, Berne

Ed Ackroyd, Knox

Amy Lauterbach Pokorny, Knox

Stephen Harausz, Guilderland

ALBANY COUNTY — Voters will have choices on Nov. 3 as, unlike four years ago, the Republicans, outnumbered by more than 2 to 1 by Democrats, have put up candidates for Albany County leadership posts. (See related candidate profiles)

ALBANY COUNTY — Democrat Nicholas Viscio, a 22-year member of the Knox Town Board, is making his first run for a county post.

ALBANY COUNTY — Daniel Plaat is running for county executive on the Green Party line not because he thinks he can win but because he wants to make a difference.

ALBANY COUNTY — On Monday, Republican Francis J. Vitollo — “Call me Joe” — was out posting election signs and going door to door to convince people to vote for him as Albany County’s next executive.

“People think their vote doesn’t count, but they’re wrong,” he said. “This race will be close if we get people out to vote.”

ALBANY COUNTY — Albany County Executive Daniel McCoy beat his challenger in September’s Democratic primary with 60 percent of the vote. In the weeks before the Nov. 3 general election, he is urging county residents to vote, just vote — no matter for whom.

ALBANY COUNTY — Craig Apple is running unopposed for county sheriff, a post he has held since June 2011 when his predecessor, James Campbell, suddenly resigned after 21 years at the helm.


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