Committee did not recommend that the so-called community newsletter become the town’s official newsletter
To the Editor:
I am writing to correct an error in the article titled "Community Newsletter Stirs Debate:...”, which appeared in your April 17 issue.
The article, which discussed the Rensselaerville town board's April meeting, included a synopsis of Councilwoman Marion Cooke's report on recommendations from a committee appointed by the town to consider how to re-establish a town newsletter. Your reporter wrote, "Councilwoman Marion Cooke reported that the committee gave two recommendations: that the new community newsletter be incorporated as the town's official letter or the town revive its own newsletter." (The emphasis is mine.)
I was a member of that committee.
I did not attend the April town board meeting so I do not know how Councilwoman Cooke presented the recommendations. However, the committee did not recommend that the so-called community newsletter become the town's official newsletter.
The committee recommended that the town submit minutes of board meetings and other town information to the community newsletter for publication. The committee made it clear at the work meeting preceding the regular board meeting that it was not recommending the town have authority over the content of the community newsletter or any official affiliation with it.
I hope this clears up any misunderstanding.
Diana M. Hinchcliff
Editor’s note: See related correction.