New Scotland

From Shakespeare to Charlotte’s Web, plays for every taste

By Maggie Gordon

Luther takes charge in the breach

NEW SCOTLAND — Taking the helm of a party facing a primary that splits two sets of candidates on the defining issue in this year’s election, Lance Luther is painting the GOP as unified.

More time to pay, a taxing proposition

Moreau drops out of race

VOORHEESVILLE — Two members of Clayton A. Bouton High School’s tennis team are the top scholars of this year’s graduating class.

VOORHEESVILLE — Fannie Liu’s valedictory address sent off the Class of 2009 ready to confront its dreams, the lofty and the daunting.

Belenchia enters crowded New Scotland race

NEW SCOTLAND — In an election crowded with candidates who are wary of commercial retail development, the number of candidates claiming to be proponents of property rights is quietly keeping pace.

VOORHEESVILLE — The Albany County Therapeutic Riding Center is calling for volunteers to help disabled children and adults ride horses.

VOORHEESVILLE — A 23-acre parcel of land on Maple Avenue will eventually be the site of a new cluster- style housing development in the village.

NEW SCOTLAND — An apparently orchestrated Democratic caucus yielded a ticket with no surprises for this November’s election.


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