
The Knox Planning Board ruled to deny an application for the construction of a solar array on property owned by Peter Young Housing last Thursday. Board members cited an inability to gather information for the board and neighbors of the property to review, as well as objections by neighbors to its construction.

In Berne, the Albany County executive announced that the town’s senior center would become a weekly satellite office for various county services. Meanwhile the county sheriff’s office is one step closer to obtaining the Clarksville Elementary School building, which the sheriff has had the same vision for.

A Freedom of Information Law request has revealed missing records of building-inspection reports for 2016 in the town of Knox. Despite this, permits were issued during that year. The town is now formulating policies to record these inspections.

Tuesday, June 20, The Old Men of the Mountain were at Mrs. K’s Restaurant in Middleburgh.

Although graduation is not until Saturday, many goodbyes were said at Berne-Knox-Westerlo’s campus on Monday night. 

KNOX — The town of Knox became one of 70 recipients of a statewide grant to improve its records system. The town received $23,156 after town Clerk Tara Murphy applied for it this past winter.

RENSSELAERVILLE — The Carey Institute for Global Good received a pledge from an anonymous local citizen to match up to $10,000 in donations raised for the High Peaks Music Festival. The challenge takes place between now and Sunday, Aug. 13.

For once, the Old Men of the Mountain found that Tuesday, June 13, was a sunny, rain-free, and warm morning to travel to the Middleburgh Diner in Middleburgh.

Following a crash in Berne that ripped apart a pickup truck and left two injured, one in critical condition, the driver of the vehicle is scheduled to be released from the hospital today and arraigned in court. Apparently intoxicated at the time of the accident, he is facing numerous charges.

This weekend, the Hilltowns and surrounding areas will host various events and activities, from exhibits on prohibition to an eight-mile run.


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