
Robert Porter

BERNE — Robert Porter of Albany, who served in the Marines for 21 years, was one of a crowd of veteran supporters who came to the Berne Town Hall in August, believing that Councilman Dennis Palow had been maligned.

Councilman Joel Willsey

Berne Deputy Supervisor Dennis Palow filed a complaint of discrimination against Councilmember Joel Willsey.

This Tuesday’s breakfast was at a type of the old-fashioned railroad dining-car diners in Princetown, called the Chuck Wagon Diner on Route 20.


If our elected boards develop meaningful codes of ethics and set up ethics boards to guide them, the character of our communities will be sterling.

Amid complaints and allegations, the Knox Town Board failed to reach supermajority vote on proposed Multi-use Recreational District. 

Approximately seven-and-one-half billion people wake up on a Tuesday morning but The Old Men of the Mountain know where about 45 OFs wake up on a Tuesday morning.



With the chill in the air and the leaves turning, our Hilltown Seniors once again met for their monthly meeting at the Hilltown Senior/Access Center.

On Friday night, Berne-Knox-Westerlo held it's fifth induction class into the BKW's hall of fame.


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