Going green can save us all some green!
To the Editor:
On Saturday, Nov. 15, the town of Knox will join in the first-ever statewide Clothing and Textile Collection Day, as part of national America Recycles Day. This is an opportunity to highlight the local benefits of recycling used clothing, shoes, boots, belts, purses, bed linens, curtains, and other household textiles.
1. Items placed in the textile shed at the Knox transfer station are protected from weather. They can be made available for town residents in case of house fires or other hardships.
2. The town of Knox receives a small amount of money for donated items that are collected for recycling. The items are then distributed for re-use by people in need.
3. Town taxpayers can save a significant amount of money in reduced landfill charges. We pay by weight for everything that goes to the landfill. Recycling textiles is a great way to divert waste from the landfill and avoid its costly fees.
4. Individuals can itemize their donations for income-tax deductions using receipt forms that are provided at the textile shed.
Residents of Knox can donate their unwanted, useful items in the St. Pauly Textile recycling shed at the Knox transfer station at 155 Street Road in Knox.
Although Nov. 15 is the day we are featuring and publicizing this service, textile donations are accepted any time the Knox transfer station is open: Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4 to 7 p.m. and Saturdays from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., except holidays. Going green can save us all some green!
Amy Lauterbach Pokorny
Knox Town Council