DELANSON — A taste of spring! It may only be one day, but a very good taste it is, blue sky, nearly 70 degrees, it might even reach and beat the record of 70 degrees.
DUANESBURG — We always look forward to the fine service and great food we enjoy at each and every one of the cafés and diners and the one kitchen we travel to on succeeding Tuesdays.
DELANSON — On Feb. 5, the OMOTM headed for Gibby’s Diner at 10040 Duanesburg Road, which is Route 7 in Quaker Street, which is almost part of Delanson, which is almost part of Duanesburg.
SCHOHARIE — The weatherman said there would be a short snow squall sweeping through at the exact time, 6:30 to 7 a.m. on Jan. 28, that the OMOTM would be driving to the Your Way Café in Schoharie.
MIDDLEBURGH — “How far below zero was the temperature at your house?” This was the prevailing question that opened most of the conversations around the tables at Mrs.
MIDDLEBURGH — The OMOTM traveled to the Middleburgh Diner on Jan. 14 and I enjoyed my waffle with one egg over easy and two link sausages and plenty of good hot coffee.
DUANESBURG — Tuesday morning was just what we would expect for a Jan. 7 morning in the Hilltowns outside of Albany. It was dark and cold (single digits) with snow flurries.
DUANESBURG — On this last day of the year, with the weather still holding on to temperatures in the mid to low 40s, the OMOTM arrived at Gibby’s Diner on time as usual.