DELANSON — In spite of the fantastic run of great weather we all have been enjoying lately, there are signs that are hard to miss about what time of the year this is.
MIDDLEBURGH — It’s after Labor Day, and the early morning temperature is in the 50s, the lake water is much warmer than the air, fog lays in the valleys, some leaves are falling.
DELANSON — Tuesday morning, Aug. 13, had the feel of a little coolness in the air, plus the fact that the thermometer on the porch was reading less than 60 degrees.
MIDDLEBURGH — Temperature was climbing, humidity/dew point was climbing as the OMOTM descended on Mrs. K’s Kitchen in Middleburgh on Tuesday morning, July 30.
MIDDLEBURGH — A little cool and wet this morning, July 23, which means a little dark, and all that adds up to fewer OFs in attendance at the Middleburgh Diner.
SCHOHARIE — As the OMOTM made their way to the Your Way Café in Schoharie on June 29 for our usual Tuesday morning breakfast, it occurred to me that we OFs are such creatures of habit that, when we