Noah Zweifel

Valerie Glover, who, with her husband, Richard, purchased the historic Picard’s Grove property and placed 80 percent of it under a conservation easement, said that virtually all the proceeds of the sale will be put back into the property, which holds a farmhouse, barn, restaurant-and-dancehall, and other structures that are in need of repair.

The funding would be secured through the United States Department of Agriculture’s ReConnect Program.

Supervisor Sean Lyons told The Enterprise that he took a federal job in April which, under the Hatch Act, precludes him from candidacy in a partisan election.

District residents will vote on the school budget on Tuesday, May 18, as well as on a bus purpose proposition and a school board candidate, who is running unopposed.

Berne’s former dog-control officer, Jodi Jansen, resigned shortly after a lost-dog incident in which the Albany County Sheriff’s Office could not reach him.

Berne’s three new building inspectors will split the allotted time once used by James Bushnell, who resigned as Berne’s building inspector earlier this year, plus hours given up by Code Enforcement Officer Chance Townsend.

An easement, negotiated with the Mohawk Hudson Land Conservancy, a not-for-profit organization that stewards natural lands in the Capital District, is designed to restrict development on the Carey Institute’s 100-acre campus, which is up for sale, but a local grassroots movement is seeking stricter terms.

The legislation would raise the minimum wage for county employees to $15 an hour, though it wouldn’t override the union contracts that control the wages of certain employees. 

A county-level lawsuit alleging that the Working Families Party didn’t submit original documents when authorizing their candidates for local office names candidates from Berne, Bethlehem, Guilderland, Coeymans, Colonie, and the city of Albany.

Former Berne Deputy Town Clerk Jean Guarino says her boss, Town Clerk Anita Clayton, suspected her of leaking information about thePublic Employee Safety and Health Bureau report regarding the death of highway worker Peter Becker. The PESH report is a public document.


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