Mojmir Frinta, after World War II wreaked havoc in Europe, found redeemng beauty in its churches and spent the better part of a lifetiime restoring, researching, and teaching about sacred art.
GUILDERLAND — More than four decades after it was built, Farnsworth Middle School leaders and staff remain committed to students’ personal and social as well as intellectual development.
While the Albany County District Attorney's Office says Nancy Ware, a victim in a road rage incident, was offered support, Ware feels twice victimized.
John Metallo, after three months as an interim administrator at Berne-Knox-Westerlo’s secondary school, has resigned. A group of girls and their mothers want people to know why.
Kids here got a chance on Saturday to do what adults across the Americas have been doing for 115 years — going afield in the winter for the annual Christmas Bird Count.
The school board will move ahead with setting up a task force — of citizen volunteers and staff — to investigate ways to use excess space in the district’s schools.
The town lost an exuberant 12-year-old, Emmit Stannard, to brain cancer as well as long-time leader Myra Dorman, but life hummed with a new cycling festival and a gala to mark the fire department's 75th anniversary.
Facing a much smaller budget gap for 2015-16, most Guilderland School Board members want to beef up the fund balance they have dipped into recently to keep taxes under the state-set cap.
GUILDERLAND — The next step in solving the school district’s problem of too much space for too few students will likely be the appointment of a citizens’ task force to study different ways of repurposing some classrooms.