Archive » November 2016 » Columns

“There are only four kinds of people in this world: those who have been caregivers, those who are caregivers, those who will be caregivers, and those who will need caregivers.” This statement from former First Lady Rosalynn Carter alludes to the ubiquitous nature of caregiving in the human experience. People, usually family members, step up when needed to support their loved ones.

November is National Family Caregivers Month, when we recognize the contributions of family caregivers in  supporting their loved ones. And just because we all have a role at least one time throughout our lives in caregiving, it does not make the job easier.

It helps for us as caregivers of family members — whether parents, spouses, or relatives — to reach out to support one another. With resources, both in the community and online, we do not need to travel the path of caregiving alone.

At Community Caregivers, our volunteers can provide respite services to those who may need a break of one to two hours to tend to their own needs. It’s common for family caregivers to neglect their own medical appointments because they don’t want to leave their loved one alone, so respite care can help.

In addition, we also offer a Caregivers’ Support Group for those caring for someone with memory loss. It meets twice monthly on Thursday afternoons at 1 p.m. at Christ the King Church in Guilderland.  There is no charge. Please call (518) 456-2898 if you might be interested in attending.

In “Caregivers’ corner” throughout the winter months, we will explore pertinent topics that can support family caregivers. In December, we will offer tips for caregivers during the holidays.

Community Caregivers Inc. is a not-for-profit organization that provides non-medical services including transportation and caregiver support at no charge to residents of Guilderland, Bethlehem, Altamont, New Scotland, Berne, Knox, and the city of Albany through a strong volunteer pool of dedicated individuals with a desire to assist their neighbors. Our funding is derived in part from the Albany County Department for Aging, the New York State Office for the Aging, and the United States Administration on Aging.

To find out more about our services, as well as volunteer opportunities, please visit or call us at (518) 456-2898.

Editor’s note: Linda Miller is the Outreach and Education coordinator for Community Caregivers.

Tuesday, Nov. 15, the Old Men of the Mountain met at the Home Front Café in Altamont.

Someone must have returned from Florida because the restaurant had a huge bowl of oranges on a table in the back. Each of the OMOTM got an orange. We feel the Home Front wants to keep the OFs healthy so there are enough of the old goats to continue this round robin of restaurants.

Particularly Tuesday morning at the Home Front, at one table two of the OFs sat side by side and there were 183 years of living between them. Someone should sit them both down and compile that many years of living history. It would not only be local but national and international in scope.

There is an update on the old cars topic: An OF (not of this group because of geography) mentioned the Pierce Arrow that was made right here in New York State. According to this OF, it was produced in Buffalo, New York.

This scribe should have remembered this vehicle because it was one of the vehicles that convinced this scribe he should give up sign painting. This scribe was given the “chore” of striping a beautifully restored Pierce Arrow — talk about nervewracking. Maybe this scribe tried to wash that experience from the gray cells that have it stored somewhere in his brain.

Busy election

The election was briefly touched on and a strange phenomenon popped up as many of the OFs did not vote for one or the other, rather they voted against one or the other. One OF who works at the polls said that this election was the busiest he has ever seen and he has been doing it a long time.

The OF said the poll workers did not even have time to eat. They caught a bite here and there as the evening went on.

The OF said they usually (in the town of Knox) have pizza brought in or they call for take-outs. Not this year — no time to do that. This OF also noted that the preponderance of young people voting was really noticeable.

All the OFs are glad the election is over and they can watch TV, and laugh at the Geico and Aflac ads, along with some others that are so interesting the OFs say they forget what is being advertised.

Nap experts

The OFs commented on the new trend of taking naps. The OFs are masters of how to do that. The OFs could write a book on nap-taking.

Most all the OFs say they feel refreshed after taking a nap. The duration of the naps and when they take them do vary, but basically the results are the same. One OF did mention that he does not nap because, when he does, he can’t sleep at night.

A couple of the OGs said that they have trouble sleeping at night and take naps all through the day. For them, this seems to work.

Some notable people who napped or got along on very little sleep were mentioned. One was Thomas Edison who had strange sleeping habits. One OF said that Edison thought ideas were in the air for anyone to grab and Edison figured that, if he were sleeping, he would miss some of these ideas.

One OF mentioned that he is tired all the time and all he has to do is sit down and he is asleep. How soundly the OFs were asleep in these naps did not come up but most claim they were actually asleep, and could tell by how much time had gone by that they did not realize had gone by.

One OF said he wakes up from his naps quite often for the same reason he wakes up at night — he has to go to the bathroom.

“Isn’t it funny,” one OG remarked, “that, even though the body is asleep, the plumbing keeps right on working?”

Fuel for the fire

A conversation that is common at this time of year is about the woodpiles of the OFs who burn wood for heat. Some have stoves; others have wood-burning furnaces either in the cellar or outdoors. A few have the outdoor furnaces that they run all year-round because they also use the furnace for hot water.

One OF said that, in his furnace, he uses wood that, for the most part, came from trees that have fallen or are dead. This helps keep his wood lot clean. With the outdoor furnace, it is possible to burn just about anything since the furnace is a good distance from the house so, if a chimney fire from creosote happens, it is not a problem.

What is a problem is to feed the dumb thing when it is 10-degrees below zero and there are two feet of snow outside to wade through. This makes it necessary to bundle up to put another log on the fire.

Just like cows: If the OF doesn’t feel good, the cows still have to be milked, and, in this case, the fire still has to be fed.  Yep, it has to be done unless there is a good backup in case adversity happens.


The Old Men of the Mountain would like to offer their condolences to the family of Dick Ogsbury who passed away on Veterans Day. Dick was ill for a long time and courageously dealt with it.

No scurvy

The Old Men of the Mountain who made it to the Home Front Café in Altamont, where the restaurant made sure the OFs would not get scurvy, were: Miner Stevens, Bill Lichliter, Roger Chapman, Robie Osterman, George Washburn, Wayne Gaul, Ted Feurer, John Rossmann, Harold Guest, Roger Shafer, Chuck Aelesio, Richard Frank, Dave Williams, Mike Willsey, Jack Norray, Gerry Irwin, Mace Porter, Mark Traver, Otis Lawyer, Bob Giebitz, Jim Rissacher, Bill Rice, Henry Whipple, Ted Willsey, Elwood Vanderbilt, Rich Vanderbilt, Marty Herzog, Harold Grippen, and me.


When you attend a wedding, there are invariably many couples out on the dance floor just holding each other close and spinning in slow, never-ending circles as some slow tune plays. As pathetic as that may be, it still beats the folks who choose to just sit and stare at the dancers. There has to be a better way.

Many years ago, my lovely wife and I tried taking dance lessons. She was doing well but I was only giving it a halfhearted attempt so we never got much out of it.

In my defense, I just couldn't get into the way it was taught. Many people are visual learners and that's great. I wish I were, too.

Instead, I'm the kind of guy who needs to read something that's explained clearly in a step-by-step manner. (I guess that's why I enjoy computer programming so much.) Dancing as you might expect is just not taught that way. Bummer for me.

One time, there was a full-page ad in the paper announcing various classes at a local mall. One of them was dance, and get this — it was to be taught by a former “Rockettes” dancer. You know, one of those famous and beautiful long-legged, high-kicking gals that does the Christmas show each year at Radio City Music Hall. There can't be a better teacher than that, so we signed up.

The day of the class, the whole group was waiting in a big room at the mall for the teacher to arrive. Finally the door opens and in walks this older woman, limping, using a crutch! She actually had been a Rockette, but a very, very long time ago.

The best was when she explained why she loved teaching dance. In what can only be described as a Northern version of a slow Southern drawl, she said she did it because that's how she got her “soooocial interaaaaaction.”

Between the drawl and the crutch I didn't expect much, but she was actually quite a good teacher. We learned a little, which was great, but we didn't stick with it so it just basically went in one ear and out the other. How sad is that.?

If there's one lesson I can give, one that I wish I'd always followed myself, it’s that, if you're going to do something, then, by gosh, do it with all the strength and conviction you have. That’s not always easy because of factors both in and not in your control I know, but still.

You can't learn anything or get anything done right unless you put your whole heart and soul into it. Heck, if I'd kept at it, I'd probably be enjoying swimming, dancing, guitar-playing, and so many other things. So, if you're going to do something, then do it, and try your hardest. Wimping out is all too easy.

Birthday surprise

Getting back to dance — recently it was time for yet another round of Trying to Find a Good Birthday Present, a game that I'm not really good at, unfortunately. So I thought another round of dance lessons might be something fun to try.

I went back to the original dance school where we'd first gone so many years ago and got us signed up for some beginner lessons. When my wife received the gift card, she was really shocked that I would go there again. I guess she thought that dancing had come and gone for us. But, trouper that she is, she agreed to give it a try.

At the first lesson, we didn't know what to expect after so many years, but the teacher turned out to be a really nice and above all very patient guy; we just clicked immediately with him. Before you knew it, I was guiding my wife around the dance floor, holding her in the proper position, doing a simple fox-trot type of dance.

As simple as this beginning dance is — two steps forward and a little shuffle from side to side — it is so much more fun and satisfying than just going around in circles in the same spot over and over. How I wish we'd not taken this long to learn it. What a revelation, to actually be able to properly move around a dance floor as a couple. If you can do it, you know what I mean, and if you can't, look up a dance school right now. You'll be very glad you did.

I love music but I have no musical training. My wife, on the other hand, has been a professional musician virtually her entire life. While dancing, it's often hard for me to get the proper rhythm — you know, to keep to the beat.

I know I have to work on this but it seems to frustrate my wife very much because she's all about proper musical timing and all that. I'm hoping my good looks and youthful enthusiasm will offset my poor performance in this area to some extent at least — hahaha.

I know there's a TV show called “Dancing with the Stars” but I avoid it because I boycott all so-called “reality TV”shows as a matter of principal. However, I have watched the ballroom dancing competitions, and, let me tell you, there are some fantastic dancers out there.

Why ballroom dancing is not an Olympic sport is a mystery to me. If you see the skill and dexterity of these couples as they glide around the dance floor as if on air, you can't help but be amazed.

Show stopper

In a similar vein, a very wonderful couple from church gave us tickets to see “An American in Paris” at Proctors. Now I'm not normally a Broadway show kind of guy. Being full-blooded Italian, I much prefer an opera by Puccini or Verdi, but let me tell you this show was phenomenal

A big part of it was the dancing. We all know humans can't fly, but, if you saw this show, you indeed saw humans flying around that stage. These dancers’ moves are so smooth, it's like their bodies have rubber bones. I don't know if I've ever seen more beautiful dancing in my life.

Let me just try to describe one small move from the show for you. At one point, the leading lady is standing with her arms outstretched. Then the leading man places his head above her hand and slow rolls up her arm, around her back, and out the other arm, such that, if you didn't know it was a real woman, you would have sworn it was some kind of a prop

I mean, it was truly amazing. At the end, when he's leading her through the air, her pink dress billowing around her, she really was flying for all practical purposes. What absolutely amazing performers.

We'll never dance like that of course – I'd be in traction if I even attempted it. But let's forget about learning and practicing dance moves and steps for a moment.

Biggest benefit

When you boil dancing down to its core, at some point you realize it's basically all about holding a beautiful woman up close. Who wouldn't want to do that? Why didn't I realize until now that that's one of dancing’s biggest benefits right there?

Sometimes I'm truly shocked by how long it takes me to “get it,” but it is what it is. Maybe slowly going around in circles isn't so pathetic after all.

I don't know what we'll do when our dance lessons run out. We don't have any weddings coming up that I know of. Maybe we can find a club where they play old-time fox-trot music. Until then, don't be surprised if you see us dancing in the backyard or on the deck. May I have this dance, madam?


On Tuesday, Nov. 8, another gorgeous day, the Old Men of the Mountains met at the Chuck Wagon Diner, on Route 20 in Princetown.

The election weather was going to be nice, at least in our part of the country. This should make for a good turnout. Some of the OFs had already voted before the breakfast and others were going to vote right after.

One OF was working the polls, so another OF ordered a breakfast sandwich and delivered it to the one at the polls.  Even though he was “working” at the polls, should we consider him an absentee at the breakfast? The rules will have to be checked for this.

The OFs had a good discussion on weight and weight control at the breakfast table and, looking at some of the breakfasts ordered, it must be that, for some of the OFs, it is only the one meal for the day.  

It was discussed that even people who do not have diabetes could consider following the diabetes diet. Those OFs who do eat that way say it is a very bland diet, with no salt and many food items not allowed, especially sweets and many types of bread. What fun is there in that?

One OF thought that eating is for health and sustenance and not supposed to be fun. Say what!

At our age, for many of the OFs, eating is the only fun we have left. Sex is out, hiking is out, driving fast (if driving at all) is out, skydiving is really gone, scuba diving — forget that, but the OFs can still raise a knife and fork.

Summer stretches on

Some of the OFs are still mowing their lawns because the grass is still growing. One OF reported that the bees are even now working what flowers that are still around, and lady bugs are all over the place, at least up on the Hill.

One OF reported that, while sitting at the kitchen table, the lady bugs would seem to drop out of nowhere. He exclaimed, “It is particularly frustrating when they fall in my coffee cup while I am still drinking it.

Another OF mentioned that he was getting ready to shave and reached for the soap and it moved. The OF said he snapped his hand back and said to himself, “What the heck is that?” There were three live lady bugs trapped in the soap and those bugs were really ticked off.

These bugs are portrayed as cute little things (and they are) with their red wings with the black dots, but these suckers can bite.

How best to teach kids

The OFs do not remember dunce caps, but they do remember being put on a stool in the corner in school if and when they acted up. The OFs don’t know if they do that today or not.

One OF remembered a teacher in Schoharie who was a former United States Marine and then went on to become a teacher, and it was a good idea not to fool around in his class. This teacher had his own idea of the dunce cap and that was to have the one misbehaving stand in the front of the class with his or her arms outstretched until they felt like they were going to fall off.

This ex-Marine was a good teacher; the kids knew and understood what was going to be on a test, and this Marine was not afraid to hand out “A’s”

One OF said that the kids today get awards even when they lose. The OFs don’t quite understand that.

One OF said, “If you are in something to win, why bother when you are going to get an award even if you don’t try?”

Another OF said he did not think that was really the gist of it; this OF thought it was the perception of self-esteem that some kids are never going to be winners but should be rewarded for effort and at least trying their best. In their minds, this will make them a winner of sorts.

An OF said he can see this in some situations but not all. Some other OFs agreed but they did not elucidate as to what the differences were — sports, art, music, academics — or who was participating.

One OF liked the idea of having the smart kids in a smart class where they could be challenged. This OF thought the schools are dumbing down to the lowest common denominator. This is why we are being left behind by other countries.

This OF said he was in the slow class, and turned out alright, and had more fun in school than the egg heads. Another OF summed it up by saying that the ones running the show want to throw everyone in the same basket; however, people are different and there should be many baskets, but all baskets should be the same. Somehow this scribe understands that.

Bygone models

The OFs talked about the cars they have had and the names of some are really weird. Some of them they just rode in because they never could afford them — just like today.

The Duesenberg, Hudson, White, Whippet, Reo (truck), Studebaker, Packard, Willys, Nash, Hupmobile, Vauxhall, the Brewster with its bat-wing fenders and heart-shaped grill. Stanley Steamer, Franklin, Jack Benny’s Maxwell, Checker the yellow cab, the little Bantam, Auburn, the Kaiser with its double-arched windshield — these are just a few the OFs came up with and now these vehicles are no longer made.

Some the OFs could describe but could not come up with the names. Then there was the Tucker but that is another story. Probably those reading this can come up with some that are not listed. The OFs were not talking about the companies still manufacturing cars, like Ford, General Motors, Chrysler, and the like.

Those OFs who motored to the Chuck Wagon Diner in Princeton Tuesday morning, in cars with names just as strange only with names in languages from all over the world, were: Robie Osterman, George Washburn, Bill Lichliter, Roger Chapman, Chuck Aelesio, Richard Frank, Wayne Gaul, Ted Feurer, Roger Shafer, John Rossmann, Harold Guest, Bob Fink, Bob Benninger, Gerry Irwin, Glenn Patterson, (the OFs wish him good luck on his hip replacement,) Mark Traver, Jack Norray, Otis Lawyer, Mace Porter, Andy Tinning, Elwood Vanderbilt, Jim Rissacher, Marty Herzog, Gerry Chartier, Mike Willsey, Ted Willsey, Harold Grippen, and me.


When there are things to do and people to see on a repeat basis, the day that these activities are to to take place seems to roll around so quickly, the week seems to have only three days. So it is with Tuesdays.

The Old Men of the Mountain met Tuesday, the first day of November, at the Duanesburg Diner in Duanesburg. Wasn’t yesterday Tuesday? The day pops up much faster than a Thursday.

In a previous column, an OF mentioned the Army Air Corps. Another OF said it should have been the Army Air Force.

This information sent this scribe to the net to check it out. Like anything with government involvement, it became very convoluted. The OFs were each half right.

It was the United States Army Air Corps. from 1926 to 1941.* (That asterisk is where the confusion lies.)  The Air Corps was discontinued on March 9, 1942 but in paperwork only it continued to exist as a branch of the Army (similar to the infantry, quartermaster, or artillery) until the reorganization act of 1947.

It took two years to complete the transfer of all military and civilian personnel to the Department of Defense and be called just the Air Force. So it became the USAF on June 22, 1949.

The semantics of this type of information is what makes discussions and arguments go on forever, both sides using their points and refusing to budge. As said, both are right, and both are wrong.

However, the patch was changed from the three-bladed propeller, to the wings and star in March 1942, which would help the argument of the U.S. Air Force being used while it was still a division of the Army until 1949. During the limbo period of 1942 to 1949, it was called the USAAF: United States Army Air Force. And, in 1949, the “Army” was dropped. Now you know the rest of the story.

Figuring inflation

The OFs tried to compute the price of inflation and what many items cost today. Many OFs mentioned what they paid for their first homes in the early forties and middle fifties and what the same house would go for today.

The OFs also included vehicles, and some items of clothing. Then, of course, there was the price of having a baby in the late forties, and early fifties and what it costs today. Within this topic, education and medicine were mentioned.

To the OFs, the current price of many products and services seems to far exceed the rate of inflation. Somehow we need a good reporter in the paper to scope this out and write an article in simple terms that the OFs can understand. Along with this, it was suggested large jumps in pay could be justified.

Growing up with bullies

The OFs took on the subject of bullying. Many of the OFs (this scribe included) said they had to contend with bullies and it was part of growing up,

And, as far as the conversation went, the OFs dealt with it, some with help and some by themselves. Only a few had to deal with gang bullying of a sort that was hard.

Is this something that has really gotten out of hand and with the advent of the internet a more serious threat? The OFs did not have to deal with that.

They met the bullying head on; if it was the physical kind, it would be similar to Ralphie in “A Christmas Story.” The mental type is a harder battle to win; the OFs thought this was the type you really needed help on.

The OFs also thought many of those who were bullied turned out better later on in life because of the experience than the one doing the bullying. The OFs could not remember anyone with physical or mental handicaps being bullied, but as one OF said: Back then, they were mostly in institutions and not out in harm’s way.

One OF said that the OFs had to remember we were in small schools, with small classes, and anyone who started out bullying only had to do it a couple of times and they were well taken care of and wouldn’t even think of continuing on with the practice.

Sharing fears

Along with this was another topic which came up later but is related because it is a problem the OFs deal with and work their way through — phobias.

The OFs talked about some of the phobias they have like claustrophobia, and acrophobia, and whatever name they attach to the phobia of bridges.

One OF mentioned that, when he drives over a bridge, his hands grip the wheel so tight that, if he were much stronger, he would crush the steering wheel. The OF said he looks straight ahead and is sure he does not blink. Some bridges he even slows down a bit before starting across.

Fear of flying was another one, and an OF said that this was more common than people think. Another OF added that he hates closed-in, tight places and thought that this might add to the fear of flying; it is not the flying but being closed in that the OF said was his problem.

All these OFs, though scared silly, did fly, and did drive over bridges. The OFs also talked about their fear (and this scribe began to get the feeling it was more a dislike than actual fear) of snakes, bats, and spiders. On the Hill, these critters are a part of the landscape and most who live there learned to cope with them.

Those OFs who made it to the Duanesburg Diner in Duanesburg and ate well even though they had to drive off a bridge to get there were: Robie Osterman, Miner Stevens, Roger Chapman, Chuck Aelesio, Richard Frank, Bill Lichliter, Roger Shafer (who is going to be playing and singing at Mrs. K’s on the 17th of this month), Harold Guest, John Rossmann, Jack Norray (who again brought flags for the Duanesburg Diner), Wayne Gaul, Mace Porter, Glenn Patterson, Otis Lawyer, Mark Traver, Bob Fink, Bob Benninger, Elwood Vanderbilt, Richard Vanderbilt, Mike Willsey, Gerry Chartier, Ted Willsey, Jim Rissacher, Henry Whipple, Harold Grippen, and me.


Sometime around 1986, I began to grow what would eventually become a full beard and mustache. My reasoning back then was very simple. I was fresh out of college and holding increasingly responsible positions in business, but I looked very young. I figured, if I had a beard, I’d look older and be taken more seriously. Overall it actually worked (I’m still amazed).

After awhile, I found that I had to shave less of my face, not as often. That meant that I didn’t cut myself very much, my skin was happier, and I spent very little on shaving products. So all was good with facial hair and the world. Until now.

Fast forward about 30 years: The world of facial hair has changed a great deal. These days we’re living in what could only be termed a facial-hair renaissance brought on largely by fashion and that much-maligned group, the hipsters.

To hear some critics tell it, certain neighborhoods in Brooklyn are akin to a Canadian logging camp circa 1870 due to the preponderance of flannel and huge bushy beards. The hipsters are quite convinced that they have invented facial hair but, as with flat earthers, the facts deny that belief. I mean, I’ve had a beard longer than most hipsters have been alive.

But that’s just the tip of the beardberg. We’ve also entered the realm of what I call the “weird beard,” for want of a better term. If you ever watched the Hunger Games movies you’ll know what I mean.

You have men shaving their beards into impossibly tiny lines, geometric shapes and designs that harken back to some magical realm of follicular delight. I’m waiting for a reality TV show entitled “Beard Wars” in which vast hordes of lactose-intolerant hipsters pit themselves and their facial foliage against crowds of weirdly coiffed weird bearders in a wild competition. They’ll be vying for a big prize involving artisanal shaving soap, handmade straight razors, and pedal-powered beard trimmers.

One rather irksome aspect of beard fashion is the huge crop of silly, expensive beard-related products. There are special shaving soaps made from imported Yak milk that was sustainably sourced from holistically raised Yaks.

You can buy shaving brushes handmade by Tibetan monks from the beards of holy mountain goats. There are razors made in the manner of Samurai swords that can shave incredibly close and double as surgical instruments. How about some beard oil that’s said to soften your beard, make it more manageable, and instantly resemble ZZ Top’s beards.

Beard growing is now officially a competitive sport, too. I saw a full-length documentary on the international beard competition in which men from many countries got together to compete for the title of best beard.

There were, of course, subcategories such as mustache, length, bushiness, and overall design. These guys were like many top-flight athletes in that they were driven and trained really hard.

How you train for beard competitions is still something of a mystery to me. I suppose it probably involves getting stranded on a desert island for a year or three with no access to shaving implements. You might also spend time discussing facial grooming with a coconut, too.

Getting back to some semblance of reality is tough in these oddly bearded times. But just for the sake of regular facial hair, I’m going to try. To maintain normal standards, my rapidly graying beard is kept short and neat by the use of a rechargeable, non-artisanal shaver. I use no beard oils, no colorants, and I avoid desert islands.

The fact is, beards have been around for the past 300,000 years (or as long as humanoids have avoided barber shops), just quietly in the background (like common sense or good taste). Check in at your average Harley rally and you’ll see plenty of conventional beards, too.

I guess, if we normal beard people just sit back and watch, the current fashion will probably go the way of bell-bottoms and disco suits. In the next year or two, when the hipsters take up some new fad like electric skateboarding or wearing kilts, we’ll be the last hairy people standing.

Then, those of us who sport conventional facial hair can get back to our lives and think of more important things than beard oil, yak hair brushes, and samurai razors. Maybe in true hipster fashion, when they all shave, they’ll donate their beards to some charity that will use all that fur for some good cause. Prematurely balding bearded ladies? Making hair shirts for masochists on a budget? Insulation in tiny houses? The possibilities are staggering.

Editor’s note: Michael Seinberg says that, the first time ne shaved off his beard, his children were very scared. The second time, his wife told him to grow it back. Quickly. End of story.


Community Caregivers will hold its 22nd annual gala on Nov. 12 at the Colonie Golf & Country Club.  This year’s theme is Celebrating Service; one of our two honorees served his country and the other serves her community.

To celebrate Veterans Day, Major General Harold “Harry” J. Greene will be honored in memoriam. A resident of Guilderland, he was killed on Aug. 5, 2014, in Afghanistan. At the time of his death, he was deputy commanding general of the Combined Security Transition Command – Afghanistan.

General Greene was awarded the Army Distinguished Service Medal, Legion of Merit, Purple Heart Medal, Meritorious Service Medal, Army Commendation Medal, and Army Achievement Medal.

The Joseph A. Bosco Community Service Award will be presented to Judith Ann Mysliborski, M.D., for her many years of service, not only as a physician, but as a volunteer with many Capital Region organizations.

A resident of Voorheesville, Dr. Mysliborski has held several academic and consultant positions at Albany Medical College, Veterans Affairs Hospital, and Albany Medical Center. As a graduate of the University at Albany, Dr. Mysliborski is a former member of the board of directors of the University at Albany Foundation where she established The Mysliborski Women’s Golf Scholarship.

Greg Floyd, news anchor at WRGB Channel 6, will be the master of ceremonies for the evening’s program. Cocktails begin at 6 p.m., followed by dinner and the presentation of awards. Dancing to the music of the Bluz House Rockers will begin at 9 p.m.

Sponsors of this year’s gala include Adirondack Environmental Services, Albany Medical Center, GCOM Software Inc., AARP, CDPHP, Glenmont Abbey Village, and the New York State Funeral Directors Association.

A silent auction will feature art, jewelry and other items made and donated by local artisans as well as gift cards to local businesses. New this year is a ”wine pull,” where each attendee will have the opportunity to choose a really great bottle of wine!

This year’s live auction includes such items as four one-day hopper passes to Disneyworld, a gourmet dinner with wine for six people at Chef Midge Bulgaro’s house, and an overnight stay at Dorset Inn in Vermont with breakfast plus $100 towards dinner.

The 2016 Gala Committee is chaired by Ellen Kaufman. She is joined by Eileen Bray, Midge McGraw Bulgaro, Michael Burgess, Ann Cantore, Richard Jung, Petra Malitz, Larry Miller, Tanette Nguyen-McCarty, Mary Neumann, Edna Mae Reilly, Arnie and Judy Rothstein, Mary Ann Anglin Singleton, and Paul F. Twardy.

The gala is one of two annual fundraising events held by Community Caregivers. All proceeds support its many programs and services to caregivers and their families. For more information, please call Community Caregivers office at (518) 456-2898. Tickets will not be sold at the door.

Community Caregivers Inc. is a not-for-profit organization that provides non-medical services including transportation and caregiver support at no charge to residents of Guilderland, Bethlehem, Altamont, New Scotland, Berne, Knox and the city of Albany through a strong volunteer pool of dedicated individuals with a desire to assist their neighbors. Our funding is derived in part from the Albany County Department for Aging, the New York State Office for the Aging, and the United States Administration on Aging. To find out more about our services, as well as volunteer opportunities, please visit or call us at the phone number above.

Editor’s note: Linda Miller is the Outreach and Education coordinator for Community Caregivers.


On this Tuesday morning, it was reported again that around 6:30 to 7 a.m. the wildlife was very active and out running around. No time to be late for work and scurrying down the highway because our friendly critters are out there scurrying too. It may be the weather, because it was a tad chilly on Oct. 25 and the wildlife likes this weather so they become a little perkier.

Tuesday morning, an OF used a statement that the OF must have read from one of these cute signs that are on a lot of refrigerator doors, or hung in many restaurants, because a perfect time came in one of the discussions where the OF could use this little ditty: “If I thought you were right, that would make both of us wrong.”

That is another witticism that can be stored is some gray cell to use at the appropriate time in a discussion, particularly one on politics.

The OFs seemed in a nostalgic frame of mind. They went back in time (the 1940s and ’50s) to when Schenectady was a completely different city. Some mentioned how much the city has changed physically on State Street and Erie Boulevard.

One OF mentioned that it now looks a lot like what they did in Oneonta years ago, with landscaping and benches and lighting. The OFs said it is still not the old Schenectady when the Carl Co., Wallace Armer, Woolworth, and Grants were in full bloom and in business in the city.

The OFs remembered getting your change from vacuum tubes that ran around the store. One OF thought Wallace Armer had the tube run around on a trolley system. The Carl Co. had an elevator with an elevator operator.

The OFs also remember people walking all over the city, especially State Street, Erie Boulevard, and Broadway. There were many active stores from the Van Curler Hotel, up the hill all the way to the park. Going to Schenectady was more fun than going to Albany.

Bad ads

Again, the OFs discussed the political ads on TV.  They are so nauseating.

With the ads running continuously and saying nothing, the OFs think both major parties want us not to vote because they think a low turnout will favor them; therefore, they run these vile ads to get the populace so fed up they stay home.


A fellow stopped in the restaurant not to eat but to get directions. Whoop!

Asking directions from this group, which requires four guys in a car each Tuesday morning just to be sure to find the restaurant where the breakfast is going to be, is one big mistake. But the OFs were nice and only let three or four OFs give the lost soul directions.

The directions sounded correct to this scribe and this scribe knows a little bit about the village so it made sense. The OFs hope the gentleman finds Bridge Street.

One OF said, “Did you ever think, when giving directions in a case like this to a complete stranger, that you might be giving directions to somebody who does not have the best intent on doing whatever he is going to do when he gets to where he is going?”

No, was the collective answer.

Droning on

Drones were another topic of discussion. These new toys are becoming more than toys.

One OF said that some youngsters are making platforms with the drones under them and flying them by standing on the platform. The OF said that these daredevils now are going as high as 50 to 60 feet in the air, and maneuvering them by leaning on them one way or the other and leaning forward to go faster.  Then they seem to be using the radio controls to hover and go up and down.

Some of the OFs said, if they were younger, this looks like it would be fun. Some OFs did not know if these were truly drones, or an improvement on the boards that were used awhile back, using fans and Venturi tubes to direct the flow.  (Giovanni Battista Venturi (1746–1822), was an Italian physicist.  The Venturi effect is the reduction in fluid pressure that results when a fluid flows through a constricted section — or choke — of a pipe.  So says Google).

Who knows, maybe this is how we will be visiting our friends and neighbors in the future. “That is until something else comes along,” an OF said.

One OF thought they can only be used in good weather, it can’t be raining, or too windy. That is right for reasonable people, but kids think they are never going to die or get hurt and when these things become popular the kids will use them in a snow storm.

Blind spots

Apparently there was an accident in front of the Carrot Barn, which is only a few miles down the road toward Route 7 from the Your Way Café and it brought up a pretty good discussion on how many blind spots there are on the roadways. The OFs started listing some that are really bad.

One was the intersection on Route 443, where county Route 1 (Switzkill Road) crosses 443 just west of the Berne town park. Vehicles heading east on 443 and coming over the little knoll by the cemetery have to be particularly leery when approaching this intersection. When vehicles crossing 443 at this intersection, the sight distance to the top of that rise — the OFs guess — is only about 100 feet or so.

Another bad spot is from the optical illusion on Beebe Road in the town of Knox. Beebe Road appears to continue without a road crossing it. Route 146 (which is the main road) has an intersection where Beebe road crosses, and to strangers driving Beebe it appears like 146 isn’t even there until the driver is upon it and sees the stop sign.

One OF remarked, “If he even sees the stop sign!”

The optical illusion, this OF thinks, relaxes the driver enough not to even expect road or sign.

The OFs talked about many other risky areas, especially driveways that enter the road at dangerous locations.

Driving is a challenge: animals that can’t read, bikes that play car and ride in the middle of the road, dead limbs that can fall out of tree at anytime, drivers texting who don’t even notice what lane they are in, and then the OFs with their legs that don’t work and only one eye— they are all out there. It is pure luck anybody gets to where they are going.

The Old Men of the Mountain who accepted the challenge of driving, drove to the Your Way Café in Schoharie and these OFs were: Miner Stevens, John Rossmann, Harold Guest, Robie Osterman, George Washburn, Chuck Aelesio, Richard Frank, Roger Shafer, Wayne Gaul, Lou Schenck, Sonny Mercer, Ray Kennedy, Roger Chapman, Don Wood, Bob Fink, Bob Benninger, Greg Hawk, John Jasniewski, Ted Feurer, Jim Rissacher, Marty Herzog, Elwood Vanderbilt, Mike Willsey, Harold Grippen, and me.
