Archive » October 2013 » Correspondents

Monday, Oct. 14, was Columbus Day. Danielle had to work and I had Zoey. Brandon picked up Samson and Nichole for the day. This gave me the perfect opportunity to have Brandon take pictures of me with my three great-grandchildren, Samson, Nichole and Zoey.

Wow! What a ride!  If you go to see the movie Gravity I hope you enjoy it as much as my husband, Jim, and I did. The special effects team certainly outdid themselves with creative ways to fool the eye and mind into thinking that the scenes were in fact real.

Some readers are going to smile when they hear what I am about to say. Not because it is humorous, but because either they have been in the same situation or they know someone else who has been there. The thought never really entered my mind until a recent visit to see my sister in North Carolina.

Monday, Oct. 7, was one of those days with unpredictable weather. All day the television warned of a tornado approaching. I kept wondering when Baby Zoey and I might have to wait it out in the cellar. We were lucky and it missed our area completely.

On Monday I had an appointment for a physical with Dr. Kolanchick. My daughter, Kathy came and watched Zoey. She took Zoey in the stroller and went to the apple orchard on our farm. Zoey loved the bumpy ride into the apple orchard.

We were driving along the highway and started a discussion about the road maintenance signs. They are all over and advertise the local group that has volunteered to clean up along the highways as a community service project.

On Monday, Sept. 23, my daughter Kathy came and spent the day. She held Zoey most of the day and took her outside a few times to enjoy the fresh air.

Many years ago, my father was in the Army and one remembrance that I had of his service was the amount of time he spent waiting in lines. When he was drafted, all of the men who were drafted at the same time shared in one equal complaint, they all had to line up and wait for almost everything.