Altamont, Oct. 3, 2013
Many years ago, my father was in the Army and one remembrance that I had of his service was the amount of time he spent waiting in lines. When he was drafted, all of the men who were drafted at the same time shared in one equal complaint, they all had to line up and wait for almost everything.
Right from the beginning, when they arrived at the train station to take them to their base, these new soldiers had to wait. When they got to the base they had to wait to find out which barracks they were assigned too. They had to wait to get their uniforms and they had to wait to get their food at the mess hall. They even had to wait for others to exit before they could enter the gas mask drill room. They did not mind that particular wait because it was a room filled with gas and then they had to remove the mask so they could experience what it could be like on the front lines.
Civilians at home did not always sympathize with the men and women in the service because they also had to wait in long lines. The civilians waited for gasoline because it was rationed. Many automobiles were put up on blocks and not used because of the shortages of gasoline and rubber. Meat, shoes, butter, and other items were also rationed which caused civilians to either do without or wait in lines when the rationed items were available.
Times seem to have changed quite a bit from the days of the First and Second World War when civilians and military personnel had to wait in line because of shortages and sheer numbers of people. They waited because they had to, but complained about all of the time spent waiting.
Today, people don't seem to mind waiting in line for some of the things that they want. When the box office announces that tickets for games between the Red Socks and the New York Yankees are going on sale, the fans line up and wait — voluntarily!
Fans have waited in the rain, the snow and even camped out in front of the ticket booths for hours to get the seats they want.
Recently, there was an announcement of a new model of the Apple Iphone. Once again, people grabbed their tents, sleeping bags, food and water to be among the first to get one of the new phones.
This all seems very strange to me because the same phones will be available later in the month after the rush is over. The Apple Company will not come out with a new version in the meantime, so why the rush?
Yes, I know it's their money and they can spend it any way they want, even if they have to wait in line to do it.
But, I wonder what it will take to get people to stand in line to help someone who is homeless? Or to stand in line for someone who needs food? Yes, I am sure there will be many, many willing to help, but stand in line when it is pouring rain or freezing cold? Something for all of us to think about!
Thank you
A warm thank you is extended to all who had anything to do with the recent success of the golf tournament sponsored by St. Lucy/St. Bernadette Church. Although it did rain midmorning, it did not dampen the golfers’ spirits. A good time was had by all.
Food pantry
The Community Food Pantry, housed at St. Lucy/St,Bernadette's Parish Center always has needs and currently there is a need for pancake mix and pancake syrup. Your donations can be left in the Gathering Space at the church located on Grand Street.
Aids walk
Our friend and neighbor, Marian Munroe, once again walked to help eradicate Aids. The Walk was held on Sept. 28. Perhaps you could not walk, but you would like to make a donation. You can help by sending your donation to Marian. Checks should be made payable to AIDS and mailed to Marian Munroe, 641 Route 146, Altamont, NY 12009.
Blessing the animals
There will be a Blessing of Animals on Saturday, Oct. 5, at 10 a.m., at St. Lucy/St. Bernadette's Parish Center.
Capitol tour
According to the State Office of General Services the annual Capitol Hunting tours of the State Capitol will begin on Oct. 7. The tours are free. The public is invited to explore the legend, folklore, and ghost stories connected with the historic building. Tours will be available Monday through Friday until Nov. 1. Each tour lasts about 1 hour.
Pre-registration is required. Individuals or groups of 10 or more can register online at Groups larger than 10 people are asked to call 473-7582 to register.
DD visit
Noah Lodge members will meet on Tuesday, Oct. 8, at 7:30 p.m. A meat loaf dinner will be enjoyed at 6:15 p.m.
Date to remember
The members of Noah Lodge have announced that their annual roast beef dinner will be held on Saturday, Nov. 2. Stay tuned for the details.
Happy-birthday wishes are extended to:
— Gayle Addyman and Isabella Louise Attanasio on Oct. 4;
— Carl Burnham, Colleen Kizltand, and Thomas Stevens on Oct. 5;
— Bob Bernardi on Oct. 6;
— Elizabeth Heidelmark and Mixhelle DeLucia Perras on Oct. 7;
— Rick Seppa on Oct. 8;
— Peter Bunk, Dylan Edward Carl, and Tammy Rosa on Oct. 9; and
— Jessica Adams, Kasey LeeMunroe, Cristen Rose Spiak Lear, and Stephanie VanAuken on Oct. 10.