GUILDERLAND A drunk high school student backed into a cops car last Thursday before she sped off and crashed into a telephone pole, Guilderland Police say.
GUILDERLAND Following up on a local tip and a warrant from the Saranac Lake Police Department in the Adirondacks, Guilderland Police arrested a registered sex offender last Friday for failing to notify authorities of an address change.
GUILDERLAND With a newly-minted MBA in accounting from Union College, Michael Paolino was 18 months into his first job at a big firm in Boston "a great city, making good money," he said when he realized something was missing.
ALBANY COUNTY There are five contested races and two unchallenged incumbents seeking re-election in the Albany County Legislature this fall within the Enterprise coverage area of Guilderland, New Scotland, and the Hilltowns:
ALBANY COUNTY In a contested Guilderland county legislature race, two life-long town residents, both with less then one terms experience, are squaring off for Fort Hunters District 29.