NEW SCOTLAND The town board has appointed a comprehensive plan committee, but has not yet given the group of eight a specific charge, a timeline, or a budget.
GUILDERLAND As the Albany County Civil Service crackdown continues, with numerous exams currently being given throughout the county, town hall and municipal workers are not the only ones affected.
GUILDERLAND Officers of the local union that includes bus drivers and mechanics ex-pressed concerns to the school board last week about a $10,000 efficiency study on busing students.
GUILDERLAND Guilderland teachers are being evaluated in ways that help them grow professionally, say leaders of a committee that developed the new system.
GUILDERLAND The planning board here last Wednesday heard a proposal for a 19-lot subdivision on Grant Hill Road, but the proposal met with disapproval from worried neighbors.
GUILDERLAND Steven Zorn is learning about the Spanish-American War and hes learning fast, because hes going to have to teach the war to millions of TV viewers.