Archive » January 2006 » News

Police Investigaton re-opens
School’s TA and coach benched

Bills proposed
Tax breaks for veterans, penalties for loose dogs

NEW SCOTLAND — The town board has appointed a comprehensive plan committee, but has not yet given the group of eight a specific charge, a timeline, or a budget.

BERNE—Following the trend set by other towns, Berne will start charging for out-of-towners to reserve the pavilion in the town park.

Matt Cook

RENSSELAERVILLE — The new supervisor hit the ground running at his first regular town board meeting and the town came out to watch him.

GUILDERLAND — As the Albany County Civil Service crackdown continues, with numerous exams currently being given throughout the county, town hall and municipal workers are not the only ones affected.

GUILDERLAND — Officers of the local union that includes bus drivers and mechanics ex-pressed concerns to the school board last week about a $10,000 efficiency study on busing students.

Health-insurance quandary
School board debates consultant’s role in RFP

Leaders say
Teachers grow through evaluation

GUILDERLAND — Guilderland teachers are being evaluated in ways that help them grow professionally, say leaders of a committee that developed the new system.

GUILDERLAND — The planning board here last Wednesday heard a proposal for a 19-lot subdivision on Grant Hill Road, but the proposal met with disapproval from worried neighbors.

GUILDERLAND — Steven Zorn is learning about the Spanish-American War and he’s learning fast, because he’s going to have to teach the war to millions of TV viewers.

ALTAMONT — Donald Otterness was a middle-aged man when he saw a slide show of New Zealand and promised himself that, one day, he would go there.

That was 20 years ago.
