Holly Grosch

Does town need to hire an attorney"

NEW SCOTLAND — Come Jan. 1, three members of the New Scotland Town Board will be lawyers, leading one resident to suggest the board could save money by not hiring a town attorney.

VOORHEESVILLE — Lindsay Myers was back on her home turf this year, at Voorheesville’s high school, after spending the year before in a special-education program housed in Guilderland.

The Lindsay Myers story
One girl’s life as a mainstreamed student

VOORHEESVILLE — With high-school grades averaging 97 percent, this year’s valedictorian and salutatorian rose to the top of their class.

Voorheesville celebrates it’s protective bubble rising to the future

Two off-duty cops collide
Foley charged with DWI

By Michelle O’Riley

VOORHEESVILLE — An academic tradition will be revolutionized or tampered with next year, depending on one’s viewpoint.

By Michelle O’Riley

WESTERLO — Friends and neighbors of Harold Cameron are rallying support for the 15-year-old after his legs were paralyzed in a logging accident this spring.


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