Insulting a stranger
To the Editor:
Today I was at the Hannaford at the corner of Route 20 and Carman Road. When I approached my car, I noticed there was a man sitting in the car facing mine but didn’t think too much about it.
After loading my groceries into my car, I found I couldn’t turn the key in my ignition and the steering wheel was locked. I tried what I thought would work but it didn’t. After three or four attempts, I picked up my phone and looked up the problem on Google.
After watching the solution on YouTube, it still didn’t work, so I looked up another solution. That time, it worked but when I looked up, the man from the other car was standing in front of my car staring at me.
I opened my door and asked if there was a problem. He said he had been waiting for me to move so he could pull through and park in that spot, but I was just sitting there “like a dummy.”
I replied, “Excuse me but my steering wheel was locked.”
He stomped off into the store as I wished him a Merry Christmas.
Mind you, this whole incident couldn’t have lasted more than two or three minutes. I am amazed that people can be so rude. What are we coming to? Insulting a stranger because she didn’t move her car fast enough to suit you. In a parking lot no less.
Well, Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night.
Sue Lendrum