Voorheesville Central School District

Voorheesville has its first positive case of COVID-19 of the school year. 

Frank Macri

With school reopening right around the corner, Voorheesville is gearing up for the new normal. 

This week, changes were made to Voorheesville’s school schedule for fall, and the district’s assistant superintendent stepped down. About 100 students have made remote-learnig requests.

This past weekend, parents and teachers of Clayton A. Bouton’s Class of 2020 distributed care packages made for the students by members of the Voorheesville community. 

Tricia Putman said she’s running for school board because she feels these are unprecedented times, and she’s hoping with her background and experience as a certified public accountant that she can help navigate the district through such an extraordinary moment.

A first-time candidate, Argi O’Leary said it’s “pretty simple” why she’s running: She thinks school board membership is one of the most meaningful and important ways she can serve her community. 

Timothy Kremer said his qualifications for school board come from serving and advocating on behalf of school boards since 1979. Kremer is the former executive director of the New York State School Boards Association, a job he held for 21 years. He previously spent 19 years at the Ohio School Boards Association.

Four candidates are running for three seats on the Voorheesville School Board this year. 

The State Education Department recently identified 582 schools, just 13 percent of schools statewide, as “high achieving” and “high progress” — two local schools made the cut.

Normally in April, school boards are adopting budgets and getting ready to ask the public to approve them; not this year. 


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