Charlotte Fuss

The February meeting of the Hilltowns Seniors was another chilly one. But being a hardy bunch there were 40 of us ready to enjoy the day's activities.

As we say goodbye to 2014, we say hello to 2015.  May we all have a very special and healthy new year.

Happy New Year, may it be a healthy and happy one. If we are healthy we are usually happy. And if we are happy we are usually  healthy. 

Happy almost Turkey Day!

The Hilltown Seniors are again offering Tai Chi classes. This will be a seven-week course, with a cost of $35. The classes will start Sept. 26, at the senior center from 10 to 11a.m.

Let me tell you we had Comic Central join us for the morning. We were expecting a speaker from the Albany County DA's office. They were going to talk about their program SALT, Seniors and Law Enforcement Together.

Despite being Mother’s Day weekend, we had 45 people to our meeting. 

Birthday greetings were sung to Roz Moser and Marilyn Nardillio. 

Well they say April showers bring May flowers let’s hope so!

April will be a busy month for the Hilltowns Seniors.

Happy 2014 to all seniors. You missed a great Hilltowns Seniors meeting on Saturday, Jan. 11.  We had fabulous food and Bingo.


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