
A mix of town, planning, and zoning board members looked into proposed revisions for the town’s hamlet zoning law.

Stewart’s has bought the house next to its Altamont store. A year ago, the village board declined to change the zoning of that parcel from residential to commercial, nixing plans Stewart’s had for expansion.

Stewart’s Shops planned to buy Smith’s Tavern, a popular Voorheesville eatery, and put a gas station and convenience store on Maple Avenue but now, says Chuck Marshall, representing Stewart’s, the village wants to block the project with a moratorium on gas stations while it searches for a new well site.

Guilderland’s Industrial Development Agency is providing two kinds of tax relief — but not property tax relief — to help Mill Hollow II realize its plans for constructing a luxury apartment complex in western Guilderland.

An amendment to New Scotland’s zoning code changed the requirement of a special-use permit for agricultural activity outside of the agricultural district from those on five acres or less of property to those on seven acres or less.

Leadership is needed now in Voorheesville to engage a wide variety of stakeholders in creating a comprehensive land-use plan.

Problems with process as well as substance were raised at a public hearing Wednesday as the Voorheesville Village Board considered a change in zoning that would allow apartments on land owned by St. Matthew’s Church.

VOORHEESVILLE — Scant comment has been heard on a trio of laws the village is considering. The public hearing will stay open through an Aug. 10 meeting.

At its most recent meeting, the planning board voted 3-to-1 to approve the Albany County Sheriff Department’s plan to construct a latticed metal, free standing communications tower.

GUILDERLAND — The town is set to receive $1.1 million in federal funds through the state’s Department of Transportation to do highway safety improvement along Carman Road.


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