Weekly Archives

Another school year has come and gone and the achievements of the local athletes have been stored away in their memory banks.

Illustration by Forest Byrd — The Enterprise

ALTAMONT — The village’s future is being shaped by consensus.

Report outlines alternative funding plans
School board debates school or community foundation

GUILDERLAND — The school board here is discussing whether it should back a foundation to accept private donations.

Going Out for Finding a Cure
Rockers and skaters have the Nerve to stop AIDS

GUILDERLAND — What does fighting AIDS in Africa have to do with teen rock bands like Moonshine, Assorted Garbage, and Hollywood Funeral"

GUILDERLAND — Controversial in its planning stage, the pharmacy on the corner of the busy routes 20 and 155 intersection, is now open for business.

GUILDERLAND — Long-time owner of Joe’s Service Station on Western Avenue was found liable in a sexual assault civil lawsuit after being acquitted of sexual harassment in town court last November.

BERNE — Wind blows hard up on the Hill and the idea of harnessing it is catching on.

In Berne’s hamlets
Grant proposed for sidewalks

BERNE — Sidewalks may soon grace the streets of Berne and East Berne.


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