Weekly Archives

GUILDERLAND — Sean Foley needed to get off the street and find a way to constructively feed his racing jones.

Rensselaerville, roll up your sleeves

Layers of bureaucracy piled up and mired Sheila Whiteford just as surely as layers of mud filled her house after the torrential June rains.

From the editor
Farewell to the chronicler of Dormansville

Frances Swart spent her entire life in the tiny Helderberg hamlet of Dormansville — and loved it.

ALTAMONT — The new owner of Altamont Country Kennels said he was inspired to buy the business by his dogs.

School board ponders
Any catch to a Kaffeeklatsch"

GUILDERLAND — In broad daylight, three men armed with a handgun stole $1,000 in cash and a cell phone from a man parked in a Crossgates Mall parking lot, according to Guilderland Police.

KNOX — After 20 minutes of discussion punctuated with heavy silences, Councilman Dennis Decker made the motion to accept a resolution regulating motorcycle use in the town.

Under construction
Will Berne and county merge"

VOORHEESVILLE — Dog collars and pajamas may soon be banished from the classrooms and corridors of Clayton A. Bouton, along with thigh-high skirts and too-tight pants.


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