Weekly Archives

GUILDERLAND — A second "pignapping" in Guilderland has led to increased police presence and changed the town’s tone from pig-laden innuendo, to a downright serious investigation.

GUILDERLAND — Police coaxed a resident out of a smoked-filled home after he refused to leave during a fire at 6116 Johnston Rd.

KNOX — The bucolic landscape stretching along the Berne-Altamont Road is at the center of a development debate again.

HILLTOWNS — Raymond Luhrman stooped to pluck garlic out of its muddy field despite Saturday’s downpour.
"This stuff has to come out of the ground, you know," said Luhrman in a singsong Dutch accent.

RENSSELAERVILLE — The Rensselaerville supervisor called a special meeting of the town board Tuesday night simply so he could talk to the highway superintendent.

RENSSELAERVILLE — The town is planning two structural repairs — one of its salt shed, and the other of a storm-damaged dam.

VOORHEESVILLE — Frank Loscavo has played music for more than 40 of his 53 years.

Loscavo recently put together a CD titled: As Is, and will be hosting a free CD release party in Voorheesville on Wednesday, Aug. 2.

KNOX – The routine drive home from work to Berne turned traumatic for 23-year-old Melissa Dibble on Tuesday.

By Michelle O’Riley

NEW SCOTLAND — Voorheesville is considering building a place to skateboard in its village park. Equipment may be purchased from a park in Hudson, N. Y. that is closing.

BERNE — As the runners for the Fox Creek 5K lined up at the starting line, the skies opened up.


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