albany county

Albany County Executive Daniel P. McCoy has launched a new campaign to help homeless veterans and their families in Albany County.

As the state’s Public Service Commission voted this week to enforce New York getting half its power from renewable energy by 2030, Albany County towns with rural land conducive to solar farms are in varying stages of developing zoning ordinances for solar: Bethlehem, Guilderland, and Knox have 2016 laws in place.

The lake is located between the towns of New Scotland and Coeymans.

ALBANY COUNTY — Among the $57 million the state has allocated to help low-income households reduce utility costs, the Albany County Cornell Cooperative Extension has received $499, 218. And the Albany Community Action Partnership has received almost as much — $495,439.

Local governments are taking stands against the Tennessee Gas Pipeline expansion and studying ways that land adjacent to the pipeline may be adversely affected.

It provides an essential service, supporting and advocating for victims of sexual abuse, bullying, and crime. It needs to be part of the county charter, to keep it safe from budget cuts in the future. That's what Bryan Clenahan, the Albany County legislator representing Guilderland, believes about the county's Crime Victim and Sexual Violence Center. He hopes that the legislature will agree with him Monday night, and vote to make it part of the charter. 

Albany County Executive Daniel McCoy, in his state of the county address Tuesday, highlighted new initiatives like a mental health court and non-prescription access to the anti-opioid drug naloxone.

Jessica Paradiso faces 6 to 12 years in state prison for targeting elderly victims in housework scam

ALBANY COUNTY — Daniel Plaat is running for county executive on the Green Party line not because he thinks he can win but because he wants to make a difference.

The Enterprise asked candidates about issues facing the county, including heroin use, county consolidation, suburban poverty, veterans' services, and care for the elderly.


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