Work progresses on updating town’s comprehensive plan
To the Editor:
The town of Knox held a comprehensive plan update workshop that was open to all residents of Knox on Nov. 26. The goals of the workshop were to review draft questions for a public survey that were developed from an Aug. 20 workshop, and to propose additional questions.
The workshop opened with a discussion about issues related to business development in Knox. Breakout work groups were then formed that addressed one or more of these topics:
— 1. Commercial and economic development in Knox;
— 2. Agriculture;
— 3. Open space and the natural environment;
— 4. Community character;
— 5. Cultural, recreational, and historic resources; and
— 6. Town government, infrastructure, and community services.
Draft questions were reviewed and valuable input was generated for all six topics.
The support of all who attended the workshops, as well as others who have offered their thoughts and ideas for the update of the comprehensive plan, is very much appreciated.
Any Knox residents who would like information or would like to contribute are welcome to contact me at or 618-5376.
Amy Lauterbach Pokorny
Editor’s note: Amy Lauterbach Pokorny is a member of the Knox Town Board who is leading the effort to update the town’s comprehensive land-use plan.