Everyone should fill out survey so that comprehensive plan accurately reflects public’s views
To the Editor:
A survey was recently mailed to each household in the town of Knox. Its purpose is to help set priorities for the future as the town updates its comprehensive plan.
We strongly encourage all Knox residents to participate in this survey.
Household members are asked to collaborate to complete their surveys; but if copies are needed, they are available from the town clerk (872-2551).
Completed surveys may be returned to the town all, or mailed to: Survey, Post Office Box 56, Knox, NY 12107.
The survey is also available online at www.knoxny.org.
Responses will be collected through July 7.
This is an important opportunity for residents to contribute their thoughts and opinions about issues that affect the town. Town government can be most responsive to the values and needs of the citizens when public opinion is gathered and documented in the comprehensive plan.
That plan will guide local decision-making and new legislation for years to come. It is important for everyone to participate to make sure it accurately reflects the priorities of all our citizens.
If you have questions, please contact Amy Pokorny at 618-5376 or [email protected].
Amy Lauterbach Pokorny
Editor’s note: Amy Lauterbach Pokorny is a member of the Knox Town Board, spearheading the comprehensive plan survey project.