Help Herb June in his battle against cancer
To the Editor:
A Cancer Benefit Garage Sale will be held in Westerlo at the Westerlo Reformed Church on Route 143 in Westerlo on Saturday, June 14, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
This sale will be to benefit Herb June who was recently diagnosed with stage 3 Thymic Carcinoma. It’s a rare type of cancer found on the backside of the breast plate between the heart and lungs.
He will be receiving the maximum dose of chemotherapy twice a month from April through October. Once the tumor has shrunk enough, surgery will be scheduled with possibly more chemotherapy and radiation to follow.
He has just begun the process and it has taken a toll on his work stamina and endurance at his job. Not knowing how much longer he can continue working, we are trying to assist Herb and Gloria with their day-to-day living expenses, deductibles, and co-pays for doctor and therapy appointments.
Donations for the sale at this time include beautiful glassware, lamps, knick-knacks, decorative door or wall wreaths, tools, a new still-in-the-box Chicago 10-inch compound miter saw with a heavy-duty15-amp motor, drapes, Christmas decorations including outside stand-up deer and others, and many more items too numerous to mention.
This garage sale will be held in conjunction with the town of Westerlo’s ninth annual town-wide garage sale. Maps will be available at the town park at 8:30 a.m. along with a bake sale, and refreshments.
Please consider helping by sending donations for Herb June by mailing them to the Westerlo Reformed Church at Post Office Box 70, Westerlo, NY 12193. Please write “Herb June” on the memo line. Thank you for your caring and donations.
Chris Allen