Altamont Enterprise, August 21, 1914
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gordon of Winslow, Ariz., real westerners, stopped over at Altamont for the fair on their trip to New York. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon garbed after the story-book, Western style, rode into town Wednesday morning and pitched their tent on the fairgrounds. Mr. Gordon wore a sombrero, red shirt, black neckerchief, riding breeches and cowboy boots, with large spurs. His wife wore a hat of like pattern, light blue shirt, buckskin riding skirt decorated with rawhide and silver spangles. She was also booted and spurred. They rode excellent specimens of the Western type of pony and they were followed by four of the long-eared, patient and much maligned beasts of burden, burros. Heaped upon pack saddles on the backs of the burros was a camping outfit which was typically Western in its plainness and adaptability to hard service. Tent, blankets, cooking utensils, lantern, extra clothing and in fact all that would be apt to be of use was included in the packs. Both Mr. and Mrs. Gordon rode in heavy stocksaddles. All in all, the outfit was such as may be seen in the sparsely settled parts of the west and southwest almost any day. Mr. Gordon said they left Winslow a year and a half ago and when they arrived here they had traversed 4,200 miles, traveling a roundabout route. He said they had visited New Orleans, St. Louis, Louisville, Indianapolis, Cleveland, Pittsburgh and many other places. Most of their camps were made in the open. After visiting New York City they plan to return to Arizona.
A young lad about four years of age, by the name of Countryman, was taken ill at the fair grounds Thursday afternoon and was rushed to the office of Dr. Frederic Crounse, where he expired in about fifteen minutes. The body was taken home by the parents, whose given names are unknown, and who reside north of New Salem. The doctor stated that death was caused by suffocation, the cause of which was unknown.