Altamont Enterprise December 5, 1913
Equal Suffrage Club. To Hold Meeting at New Masonic Hall, Friday Evening, Dec. 5, 1913 — Everybody Come.
A mass meeting under the auspices of the Equal Suffrage Club of Albany will be held in Masonic Temple, this Friday evening, December 5th. Several leaders of the suffrage movement in Albany will be present and will give clear and convincing arguments concerning the enfranchisement of women. If you are an advocate of the cause be sure to give the meeting the support of your presence. It has been cleverly said that oftentimes the thing we are most down on is the thing we are the least up on. Perhaps this may explain much of the opposition to woman suffrage. Do you know that for twelve years women have voted in Norway? And the national verdict is: “It has proved itself very useful; it has increased the moral side of our country’s policy; it has been for the public benefit.” Do you know that of the States where women have the full right of suffrage, there are four, Colorado, Wyoming, Utah, Idaho, that are one continuous extent of country? The right of suffrage was granted these States at different times, Wyoming being the pioneer in the movement.
What does it prove concerning this policy that these neighboring States have all endorsed it? Whether you are in or out of sympathy with the subject, come to the meeting. Be fair enough to look at it from the various points of view; sufficiently just to give its foundation facts and its present status a thorough hearing. Remember the date, December fifth; remember the time Friday evening, 7:30; remember the place, our new Masonic Temple; remember the subject, “Why Women Should Be Enfranchised!” And one final reminder—Remember to Come!
GRANGERS PROTEST. Oppose Centralizing of Power in New Jersey’s Board of Education.
The New Jersey state grange and the subordinate granges, acting on their own motion, are protesting against what they call the centralization of school-powers in the hands of the state board.
Representatives of fifty granges met the state board of education and stated the reasons for their protesting against proposed action of the board. They believe in the principle of home rule in this matter. They object to the tenure of office act under which teachers who have had three years of continuous service cannot be removed except for cause. They hold that under this law teachers become arbitrary and it strips local districts of the powers that should rest in them. They also objected to the expense necessary to be incurred by the requirements of medical inspection. They believe that the local boards should determine in this matter.
The grangers further opposed the compulsory payment for transportation of high school students in the country and asked that it be abolished. They also asked that more attention be given to the education of farm boys. A fourth protest was against the state board’s controlling the design, cost and erection of school buildings, forcing the farmers to pay for such buildings as the state board determined must be erected.
The grangers understand that many of these matters are matters of law, but they contend that the state board should assist them in getting these laws modified or repealed. This is said to be the position of practically every subordinate grange in the state.