Altamont Enterprise September 12, 1913
NEW SCOTLAND: The New Scotland baseball team defeated the team representing New Salem on Labor Day in a very interesting game. The work of Creble for New Scotland was great, he having 18 strike outs and walking one man. Bennett pitched a good game for New Salem but had to retire in the seventh inning. Furbck and Blessing divided the batting honors, each getting a three-base hit. Holmes for New Salem scored their only run. Come again boys, we will be glad to meet you with the same line up. Score by innings:
New Scotland — 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 1 — 7
New Salem — 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 — 1
Batteries: New Scotland, Creble and Glasser; New Salem, Bennett, Britton and Houck. Umpire, Reed.
Berne: The Christian Endeavor Society of the Reformed church had a very inspiring and edifying visit last Sunday night from members of the Executive committee of the Albany Local Union. There were five of them and they had practically the full charge of the service. Each of the members had a message, and the message was most adaptable for the occasion; but two of the members specifically struck the keynote when they spoke of Missions as an essential means for evangelizing: 1st. The immigrant population of America, and 2nd. The pagan world of the East. The other message was forceful when the speaker laid an emphasis upon the fact that the Christian Endeavor movement, as an educational and missionary importance cannot advance without the endowment of the Holy Spirit. Such kind of message backed up by personalities fully dedicated for the cause is always thrilling and uplifting. Surely these members of the Albany Local Union did thrill and inspire the audience with a lasting enthusiasm. The desire is strongly expressed for more of such visits because they are intensely helpful and stirring. Yet, it must be confessed that the C.E. of this village has been fortunate to have several calls from State and County officers of the organization. Through this item the Society extends its thanks to the Executive committee of the Albany Local Union for the visit and interest shown. Miss Kelley rendered a solo “The Holy City" and Miss Hay rendered "One Sweetly Solemn Thought.”
State Road Detour For Convenience of all persons who use the highways, and especially the automobilists, notice has been sent out regarding closure of Albany County road No. 176: Beginning at the Adelphi County Club and ending at Albany City line.
Detour — From Central Ave., take right turn over Waterveliet Ave., to second left turn to the Albany-Schenectady turnpike in the vicinity of Adelphi Club.