Thanks for back-to-school help for Berne-Knox-Westerlo students
Backpacks for all: The Helderberg Kiwanis Club provided 25 backpacks — complete with sneakers, socks, calculators, and all other required school supplies — for Berne-Knox-Westerlo students identified by the Hilltown Resource Center. From left are Kiwanis members Amy Pokorny, Anna Wolfe, Al Raymond, Jan VanEtten, Pauline Williman, John Elberfeld, Jan Miller, Russ Pokorny, Dan Driscoll, Marty Herzog, Homer Warner, Zenie Gladieux, and Ralph Miller.
To the Editor:
The Hilltowns Community Resource Center would like to thank all the sponsors and community members that did such an outstanding job supporting our back-to-school project.
Because of your help, we were able to send 126 kids back to school prepared to learn with school supplies, sneakers, and backpacks. We truly appreciate your continued support in our mission.
Mary Beth Peterson and
Kathy Whitback
Hilltowns Community Resource Center