Why would Berne Town Board feel threatened?
To the Editor:
On Feb. 8, 2023, the town of Berne held a hearing regarding two local law proposals [“Berne’s ATV public hearing rescheduled after meeting hall hits capacity,” The Altamont Enterprise, Feb. 9, 2023].
During the meeting, the deputy supervisor, Anita Clayton, mentioned her concerns about a “secret meeting” that had occurred in the town. It was her feeling that, if residents had concerns, they should come to her.
I was the person who held the “secret meeting.” I had posted on Facebook a desire to meet with members of my community to discuss what we could do for our town. I have attached the posts.
The invitation was not limited to certain people. It was for anyone who wanted to effect positive change in the town of Berne.
I was very concerned that there was no money for youth programs, but there was enough money for all the elected officials to vote themselves a raise. I believed the priorities of town government were askew and I wanted to see what we, the people in my community, could do on our own.
Why this meeting was categorized as “secret,” I do not know. I’m not sure why a town board would feel threatened by people in the community getting together to discuss issues.
Peggy Christman
Editor’s note: Peggy Christman ran for Berne town supervisor in 2021 on the Democratic line.