The soul and spirit of the American Dream
To the Editor:
Recently, The Altamont Enterprise published a letter from Victor Porlier of East Berne [“I mourn for the younger folk of today and America’s future,” June 11, 2020]. I commend Mr. Porlier’s comments on the character development that he learned from his dad.
I had similar experiences in growing up that I learned from my father, John A. Umholtz. Dad was a World War I veteran with the United States Army Ambulance Service established on May 31, 1917. This unit was created to provide aid for the evacuation of the wounded and medical services to the British, French, and Italian armies during the war.
World War I was the first war that employed tanks, machine guns, mustard gas, and flamethrowers. The soldiers faced weapons and conditions that had never existed before. This Medical Corps (Unit SSU330) served in the epic battles of St. Mihiel and the Meuse Argonne.
Dad taught the family the importance of God, logic in thinking, goal-setting, and the meaning of “Excelsior.” Strive to achieve the best that you can be.
I anticipate that the next generation will continue to respect the past generation’s sacrifice to maintain the soul and spirit of the American Dream to keep alive the torch of liberty and justice.
Richard W. Umholtz