Altamont Enterprise July 10, 1914
Heavy Rainfall Benefits Growing Crops
Rain which has been general throughout the eastern and middle states at intervals for more than a week past, has been of inestimable value to hay, grain and fruit, and has greatly helped vegetation, particularly pastures and meadows. As the result of the copious rains during the fortnight just passed, the grass has grown rapidly and farmers in general have not yet begun haying because of the rapidly improved condition of the meadows and the greenness of the grass. Reports from the farming districts show that, while the haying will be much later than usual and the crop will not be so heavy, the farmers will secure a much better crop than was expected a few weeks ago.
The excessive rainfall and cold weather of the early spring greatly retarded other farm crops and they are not as far along as usual at this time of the year. Should the next two months be warm with occasional rains, however, the crops of corn oats, rye, wheat, and potatoes, will undoubtedly be fair.
The Evening Star
The planet Venus is now the evening star, and will be visible all summer, glowing bright each evening until Oct. 22, when it will be so bright as to be visible in the full sunshine. On November 27 Venus will pass between us and the sun, and then change to the morning star. Mars is an evening star, but not very bright. It is also in the western sky, is higher up than Venus and can be identified by its red color.