It’s time for our nation to wake up

To the Editor:

An estimated 800 people gathered in the hills of the Helderbergs at Camp Pinnacle for three days in June. The event honored veterans and those currently serving our nation and celebrated America's heritage and founding principles.

Steve McLaughlin, Deborah Busch, Peter Lopez, and George Amedore were among the speakers and attendees at Freedom Fest 13. Those present heard rallying cries to restore the country to its original foundations as highlighted by our forefathers in the Constitution.

Speakers rallied the crowd to repeal the Secure Ammunitions and Firearms Enforcement (SAFE) Act and to take action, stressing it is not enough to just vote.

Assemblyman Steve McLaughlin, challenged the guests, “The power of this great country lies in its people but, for far too long, I believe too many people have been complacent and not paying enough attention to what is going on in Washington and in Albany. We owe a duty to our founding fathers, our ancestors, and those who have defended this nation from the very beginning to be informed, be involved, and vote for people who will uphold the Constitution. If people aren't registered to vote, there is simply no excuse. It is your obligation and your duty as an American to vote. If they're not registered it is so simple to fix. I'll personally send a voter registration form if need be.

“There are 4 million gun owners in New York and their rights were trampled on by the arrogance of Andrew Cuomo. If they and their families and all concerned New Yorkers who care deeply about this state and want to see it return to greatness unite together, New York will have a new governor.”

When asked to reflect on his participation in Freedom Fest 13, Assemblyman Pete Lopez, who represents a seven-county region in the Mid-Hudson, Northern Catskills and Southern Tier areas, said, “I was very honored to be a speaker at Freedom Fest and to be part of an event that emphasizes the importance of protecting and preserving the principles upon which this nation was founded. As freedom-loving people, we must guard the rights and privileges we enjoy as Americans and conduct ourselves with the humble dignity of knowing how many of our fellow citizens have made the ultimate sacrifice on our behalf.”

Albany County Sheriff Craig Apple attended and said that people’s rights are being infringed. "If you are even rubbing against our freedoms, we have to stand up, we have to protect ourselves and we need to fight for our rights," Apple said. "Every day, they are touching on our freedoms a little bit more and it is time that we stand up and say 'enough is enough.’”

Also in attendance were members and organizers of many grassroots organizations such as Hudson Valley Americans for Freedom, Oathkeepers, Concerned Women of America - CWA, Foundation for Land and Liberty, New Yorkers Family Research Foundation - NYFRF, New York Committeemen, Women for the 2nd Amendment - W2A, and Shooters Committee for Political Education – SCOPE.

Catherine Kahle of Hudson Valley Americans for Freedom said, “If you are not a member of a freedom-oriented Constitutional group, find one right away and get involved.”

In conclusion, we’d like to say, it's time for our nation to wake up and remember that our foundation for freedom rests squarely upon her founding documents and flag, which lie gently upon the truths of the old and new testaments of the Holy Bible.

As Ben Franklin said, "And if a sparrow cannot fall to the ground without His notice, is it probable that an empire can rise without His aid?”

With our deepest and sincerest gratitude to all involved, we thank you for making this event for God and Country the amazing success that it was. May God bless America and all those who fought and fight to keep her free!

William and Jill Tryon

Freedom Fest founders


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