Hear tales of how women really won the right to vote
To the Editor:
Bonnie Mion will tell dramatic suffrage tales about how women really won the vote on Wednesday, Sept. 6, at 7 p.m. at the Clarksville Community Church.
The C1arksville Historical Society invites you to join us for Bonnie’s talk, our first in the series of fall programs; 2017 is an exciting year as we commemorate the 100-year celebration of women gaining the right to vote in New York State.
Bonnie will present the real-life, sometimes amusing anecdotes and true adventures of the fight for suffrage. Learn about the 11-year-old suffragist who saved the day, women in petticoats sloshing through mud, and local events as well as statewide activities.
She will tell the stories of daring, persistence, and courage. Hear about not only the prominent activists but everyday crusaders for this movement. Bonnie will share stories of her great-grandparents who were suffragists and friends with Susan B. Anthony and many others.
She will bring the history to life in a fun and entertaining light.
Bonnie Mion is a professional performer and teacher and a member of Storycircle of the Capital District. She discovered that both her great-grandparents were very active suffragists. Her great-grandfather was often one of the honored speakers, giving talks alongside leaders such as Susan B. Anthony and many others.
Marilyn Miles, program coordinator
Clarksville Historical Society