February was short on days, long on learning at the Knox Nursery School
And we thought January was a short month! After two snow days, one two-hour delay, one scheduled day off, and five days of winter vacation, February seemed to end almost as soon as it began!
The days we were in session were packed with activities. The 3- and 4-year-olds learned about a little animal known as the groundhog. Although most had never heard of this little creature, groundhog finger puppets and groundhogs popping up from the ground were fun crafts.
As we all know now, the groundhog’s prediction for six more weeks of winter was quite accurate as evidenced by the two snowstorms that came our way in the following weeks.
February wouldn’t be February without valentines! We had lots. There were valentine mailboxes decorated with red, pink, and purple hearts; valentine cards made to give to that special person; and heart-shaped pretzels dipped pink and red.
As February is National Children’s Dental Health Month, we welcomed dental hygienist Katie Sisson to our class of 3-year-olds to promote the benefits of good oral health. Katie talked to the kids about the foods that are good for their teeth and those that are not so good.
She explained how and when and for how long to brush teeth. The children were given the opportunity to brush the teeth of her “stuffed animal partner.” Katie brought goodie bags for each child that included a toothbrush, toothpaste, a two-minute timer, and a sticker.
As a tribute to Presidents Day, the 3-year-olds made triple-star pendants with a Lincoln-head penny in the center. The 4-year-olds’ Washington and Lincoln masks sported Colonial and stove-pipe hats respectively.
We managed to get in one letter of the week: O is for Owl. The 4-year-olds are doing a great job reciting the Pledge of Allegiance, which they began learning at the beginning of the month.
Despite limited days and their share of illnesses, the Terrific Twos group kept busy. Using a paper-towel roll with a heart-shaped end, the 2-year-olds stamped pink construction paper with red hearts, to make a Valentine’s card. They had great fun dipping heart shaped pretzels in pink and red candy coating. More work with colors and a snowman book and craft rounded out the month.
We begin the registration process in March for the 2017-18 school year. Word of mouth has been our best advertisement!