The Albany County Legislature recently approved resolutions to enter into funding and construction agreements  for the installation of four-quadrant quiet-zone gate systems at Voorheesville’s Main Street and Voorheesville Avenue railroad crossings.

The village is paying $170,000 for the property; the deal is expected to close in January.

NEW SCOTLAND — James Southard, Voorheesville’s assistant superintendent for finance and operations since January 2021, died unexpectedly last week. He was 51.

The “PIAA,” personal injury auto accident, Sheriff Craig Apple posted on social media, occurred Saturday afternoon at the intersection Game Farm Road and Orchard Hill Road in New Scotland.

The announcement from the governor’s office and NYSERDA stated that six gigawatts of distributed solar had been installed across New York State, “marking the early achievement of the State’s Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act statutory goal a year ahead of schedule.”

Jeremy M. Stark, 35, “was captured on surveillance video driving his ATV on park property and recklessly caused damage to the basketball court,” according to the county sheriff’s office.

For 2025, the town is proposing a town-wide tax-rate increase of 3.27 percent, from about 1.50 per $1,000 of assessed value to approximately 1.55 per $1,000.

The third annual Fall Festival and 5K on the Albany County Helderberg-Hudson Rail Trail and at the adjacent Firefighters Memorial Park will be held Saturday, Oct. 5.

“We’re going to grieve him for a long time,” said Timothy long of his son’s death. “But, you know, the people that love him and knew him realize that there’s now a symbol and a place to go where they can sort of reconnect with him. And for that, I know our family and his loved ones are forever grateful.”

VOORHEESVILLE — Voorheesville Avenue (County Route 306) in the village will be closed to all traffic, including emergency vehicles, between South Main Street (County Route 201) and Pine Street for construction of the Champlain Hudson Power Express.

CHPE is bringing power from Québec to New York City.